Chapter 34

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Yugyeom POV:

She's weird. I wonder what happened. I went to her just now but she said she's okay and even asked me to brace myself as the truth have come out. I just nodded in curiousity and went back to my seat.

Someone knocked on the door. Everyone looked at the door.

"Kim Rae Won, Lee Yong Neul, please go to Student Council Room now." I looked at both of them. Rae Won seems relaxed but Yong Neul seems like she knew nothing about this.

Rae Won POV:

I left the classroom followed by Yong Neul behind me. I walked straight to the Student Council Room without looking at her.

" Hyungwon sunbae, we're here." I went in and saw Dong Yoo sunbaenim also there.

"Oh, I see. Come here, Rae Won. Yong Neul, sit beside Dong Yoo." I went to sit beside Hyungwon sunbae facing both Yong Neul and Dong Yoo.

"Do you know why I gathered all of you here?" Hyungwon sunbae said. Both of them looked at each other but they didn't response. Hyungwon sunbae looked at me and I nodded. I stood up and walked around them.

"Lee Yong Neul, we met again after a long time, huh?" She looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about? Aren't we best friend? We were always together. What do you mean by after a long time?"

"Best friend? If you really thought of me as a friend, you would never try to kill me by pushing me into the water back then!" Her eyes got bigger.

"So, you already knew it? Yeah, you disgusted me! Why would you get everything I wanted?! After I came back, I thought we can be friend again as long as you don't recognize me but no, you're still the same! You always want everything to yourself. You knew I like Yugyeom and you also knew he likes you but you didn't back up. You still close with him. Wae? Why did you bother Yugyeom eventhough you had your oppa? And also those eonnis and oppas! What did they see in you that they're so kind to you?! Even Yong Hoon eonni who liked Eunwoo oppa for a long time can give up just for you, her beloved dongsaeng! You never feel guilty at all, right? "

" If that's what made you hate me so much, I'm sorry. But, I tried to help you with Yugyeom too. You don't know how hard I was in that situation. Both of you are my best friends but because of that, I had to be with you, my fake friend instead of Yugyeom, the one who were with me since the first day in this school! "

" Enough already! Kim Rae Won! You know that you disgusted me so much! You made my cousin's life miserable, living in your shadow and when she decided to come back, it's fated that she met you again. I can't stand seeing her like that so I helped her with her revenge because I really wanted to destroy you. You didn't deserve so much love! "Dong Yoo sunbae came at me and screaming at top of her lungs.

" Shin Dong Yoo! Don't you realize that all of this are wrong? You, as Student Vice President should aware of this. Now, I announce that you're no longer the Vice President and also not a member of Student Council Club anymore."

"Arasseo. I knew it. Everyone trust her. Yeah, that's it. We're the bad person here."

"You're indeed the bad person here. So, apologize." We all turned towards the door.

"Taeyong oppa?" He came to me.

"I'm her cousin. I already notified our family lawyer and we can sue both of you for robbery, intruding personal business and defamation."

"Oppa, I told you not to do this!"

"Let them know that they really against the law. Back then, she survived from hurting you and I won't let it happen again." They both looked at each other anxiously.

"I have all the proof regarding you took her book without her permission and even read the things in it. Apart from that, you leaked the content in the book. All of that could charge you quite a lot of money. But, we didn't care much about that money so we will be kind for the last time. Apologize for everything you've done and transfer from this school then I will let both of you go. I'm sure you also didn't want to have a crime record at such a young age, right? "

" Oppa!"

" Stay out, Rae Won. This time, I will protect you at all cost and you just follow my arrangement. " I gave up.

" Rae Won, we're sorry for what we've done to you. We'll proceed with the process of transferring school. " Yong Neul said and then left with Dong Yoo sunbae.

" Yong... " I sighed.

3 months later...

" Yugyeom-ah, I'm meeting with her after school. Wanna come with me? " He changed after she transferred school. He's always depressed and feel sad. I tried to help him getting out of it but it's all end in vain.

" Ouh. You just go. I'm sure she didn't want to see me anyway. "

" Who said that? I'm sure she wants to meet you. Just come with me. You should end all of this. Stop living like this. I can't see you like this."

"Later. I'm not ready yet. Ah, by the way, give this to her for me." He handed me a chocolate.

"This... This is her favourite chocolate." I looked at him.

"Maybe this is the last time I bought it for her." He left just like that. I sighed.

I went into the cafe and searched for her. I saw her back sitting in a table. I sat down in front of her.

"Why would you suddenly ask to meet me?"

"How are you? How's the new school? Can you adapt to it?"

"Why would you care?" She looked outside the window avoiding my eyes.

"Yong Neul, I never blame you. It would be a lie if I didn't have any hatred for you back then. I really wanted to find you but I can't remember anything about you. And even if I remembered you, I won't get mad at you. I just want to know why you did that. If you confessed everything, I can forgive you and we can be friend back. Maybe it's really fate. Back then, you're my most precious friend and even after those years, you're still my precious friend. I didn't say any of this just to make you feel guilty but it's really came from my heart. One more thing. "I took out the chocolate from my bag and put it on the table.

" I'm sure you know what is this. If you still like him, go to him. He's waiting for you as well. I need to go now. " I left the cafe.

Yong Neul POV:

I looked at the chocolate on the table. I put both of my hand on my face and started crying.

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