Chapter 12

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Rae Won POV:

All of us gathered at my eomma's cafe.

"Everyone's here, right?" Taemin oppa asked.

"Ye!" Everyone said.

"Okay so I'll tell you the grouping. We'll split into two cars. We should thank Rae Won for this because she prepared the cars and drivers."

"Ani, it's nothing. My appa told me to do so after he learn about our trip."

"Anyway, thank you. Okay the groups are for the first cars are me, Hyun Joon, Soobin and Hyun Ah. The others are in the other car."

"Are you grouping us based on dating status?" Eunwoo asked.

"It's for your single people's good."

"Tch.. Whatever. Let's go, Rae Won. We're a couple too." I slapped him.

"Don't joke about this, can you?" Eunwoo oppa dragged me to the car.

Author's POV:

"Single, huh? It's just about time. They'll be together one day. I bet." Soobin said. Everyone except Yong Hoon agreed.

Eunwoo POV:

I sat beside Rae Won in the car and the others at the back. I took out my phone.

"Rae Won, look here." She turned towards me and I took a picture of her.

"Yah, oppa ! I'm not ready. It must turn out bad." I looked at the picture.

"Um.. Not really. It's pretty." She took my phone and take a look at it. She immediately deleted it.

"Yah, why did you delete it?" I whined.

"If you want a picture of me, just tell me. Come." She got ready with the camera and made a pose. I went closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Here. Look at it if you miss me." She handed back my phone.

"I've send it to you too. In case you'll miss me too."

"Ah... I thought this car is for single people but who knows there's a couple here too... Please save me from this overload public display affection..." Yong Neul whined from back.

"Nonsense, Yong Neul. I've said it. He's my oppa." Rae Won turned her body to look back.

"Anything you say." She turned her body back and looked out of the window. I also looked out of the window.

The journey take about an hour. Everyone in the car just kept silent all the time so I took out my earphone and turn on some musics. Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked at it and Rae Won's head was on my shoulder. She fell asleep. I looked at her beautiful face and caressed it slowly.

Yong Hoon POV:

I only kept silent along the way because I don't want to cause any trouble with my anger right now. I looked at both of them once a while and when I turned towards them, I saw Eunwoo looked at her sleeping face softly.

'I wish I was the one who he look at with those face.'

Rae Won POV:

"Rae Won..." I slowly opened my eyes and looked at a handsome face. Time seems to be stop for me as I completely lost in his eyes.

"We're here. You okay?" He clicked his finger as I snapped out to reality.

"Eo? Ye, I'm okay." I got out of the car quickly and went to find my eonnies.

"Rae Won-ah... Are you sick? Your face is red." Hyun Joon eonni said.

"Ah? Ani, I'm okay. It's a little hot." I looked around as I didn't see Yong Hoon eonni.

"Yong Hoon eonni!" I called as soon as I spotted her. She came to our direction but there's no expression on her face.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Hyun Ah eonni said and everyone agreed.

We walked towards the camping site. As we arrived there, we set up the tents and we sat in a circle with firework in the middle.

"How about we share something about ourselves that others don't know? Well, we're new to each other so there must be something that others don't know about us, right?" Taemin oppa suggested. Everyone agreed.

"How about we start according to our age? Youngest first."

"Then, I'll start." Between me, Yugyeom and Yong Neul, I'm the youngest. Everyone focused on me.

"Umm... About me... I don't really know what you all don't know about me."

"I want to know about your family." Soobin oppa asked.

"Why are you interested in her family?" Hyun Ah eonni asked while raising her eyebrow.

"Why? I just want to know. Her family seems rich."

"Ah... Actually, I'm the heiress of DRS Group."

"You mean that big company?"

"Yeah, it's my appa's. As I'm the only child, so it made me the only heir. And my eomma's cafe also under the company since my eomma doesn't like to stay at home."

"Wah, I didn't expect this. You don't seem like an heiress though. It's not that you're ordinary but I mean by your personality. As we all know, such a rich girl won't be like you. You're nice."

"I just want to be nice to everyone. And I also concealed my identity so that I can find some true friends like you all. I'm very grateful to have you guys. Please keep this a secret,can you?" Everyone nodded their head.

"Okay, let's continue." It's now Yong Neul's turn.

"I wanna share a story with you guys. Back then, I have a friend. We're not very close. We only get to know each other because of our family. She's really pretty and clever. In short, she's likeable. But, one day, we played together at a beach and she got drowned. After that, I went abroad.

" We're sorry for your loss, Yong Neul. "

" Don't be. She's still alive and I never thought that I will meet her again after that incident. Anyway, she must not recognize me since it's been a long time. " She looked at me and smirk . I started feeling the pain in my head but I held it in.

Time skip...

It's Eunwoo oppa's turn.

" I have a story that I kept to myself for a long time but not long ago, I told someone. And after that, I realized I shouldn't hold on to the past and just walk forward. It's about my first crush maybe. I met her around 5 years ago at a beach. I also drew her staring at the sky aside the beach. I never know her name and she also never knew me because I always stared at her secretly. She will be at the beach every day but one day, I waited for her but she didn't come. I kept waiting for her but she never appear before me anymore. "

" I never knew that you had been in love before. How could you not tell your best friend? " Soobin oppa pouted.

" What if that girl is around you all this time?" Yong Neul asked.

" What do you mean? "

" Ani, just spouting nonsense. Forget it. " I can't really bear the pain in my head anymore. I stood up.

" Umm... Guys, I'll go in my tent first."

"What's wrong with you, Rae Won? Your face is pale. Are you sick?" Eunwoo oppa asked worriedly.

"Just a headache. I wanna have some rest and it'll be okay later."

"Then, let me go with you." Eunwoo oppa stood up too and followed me.

Author's POV:

The rest of them decided to go in their tents. After Eunwoo sent Rae Won to her tent, he went back to his tent too.

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