Chapter 33

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Rae Won POV:

I woke up and get myself ready for school. I did my hair and makeup. Someone opened the door and came in. I looked at him and smiled.

"You really need to go to school today?" He whined and came to me. He backhugged me. I nodded.

"It's going to be a hectic day for you. Are you sure you can handle that?" I turned towards him and put my hand around his neck.

"Don't worry, oppa. I can do this! If I run away from them, then they will say I'm a coward who agreed with all the rumours online. That'll make me frustrated more." He caressed my hair.

"Alright then. Take care of yourself."

"Oh, oppa! Before I forgot, don't forget about the press conference this evening."

"Yeah, I remember it. Let's go down now or you'll be late." I nodded and we went downstairs to have breakfast with all.

"Rae Won, I've arranged everything for you today. There'll be bodyguards following you to school. So, you don't need to worry about anything." Appa said.

"Appa... You don't need to do that. I'm okay by myself."

"I won't let that. You need bodyguards. The reporters are swarming in front of your school."

"Just listen to appa. It's for your own good." Eunwoo oppa convinced me.

"Okay then." I gave up. Eunwoo oppa patted my head and smiled.
The car pulled off in front of school. The car door opened for me and I got out. Then, a bunch of reporters surrounded me. The bodyguards blocked them and I walked into the school.

'I'm relief that I listened to appa. Or else, I will die of short breath here.'

As I walked along the hallway to go to my class, I heard many whispering from other students but I ignore it.

"Rae Won, are you okay?" Yugyeom came to me as I went into the class. I nodded. We sat down at our place.

"Yugyeom-ah, have you found out who did this?" He put his head down and shook.


"What are you sorry about? It's okay. You've done your best to help me. The rest of it, leave it to me." He nodded.
"Yah! Kim Rae Won !" I turned towards the voice. There's a bunch of girls walking towards me.

"Yes? What can I help you with?" I tried to be calm eventhough I know who they are.

"You asked us? You should know it already since you're also a student from this school." I sighed.

"What do you all want?"

"How dare you play with our prince charming's feelings?! We know that you're pretty, clever and also rich. We agreed that you both are perfect couple but that doesn't mean that you could make him a toy for you!" I'm tired of this already. My body feel weak.

"I don't think I should explain anything to you about this. It's between us so you guys should stay out of it. I need to go now." I walked away but a girl pulled me back to face them.

"Don't you think you can get away until we let you! Let him go if you don't love him. Let him find his own happiness!" I felt my body fell down backwards but suddenly a hand held my waist. I looked at the person.

"Oppa ? What are you doing here?" He supported me and I'm able to stand up properly.

"Yeorobeun... I won't ever let her go. And I won't leave her too. She's my real happiness. About the things online, I hope you all can support us. There'll be a press conference this evening." He carried me bridal style and left.

"Why are you here?" He didn't answer and just walked without caring of others. He put me in the car and he also got in.

"Stop enduring it. I knew you can't. Your body can't take it anymore. You've been working hard without rest for the past few days. What if you collapsed?"

"Oppa, I won't. Until all of these over."

"Have some rest for now. I've applied a leave for you. After today, everything's gonna be back to normal." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

Eunwoo POV:

My heart ached so much when I saw her being like this. She did everything she can to protect me. I'm lucky to get her, such a great girl to be my wife. I'll make you happy forever.
I knocked on the door.

"Are you done?" She opened the bathroom door.

"Am I beautiful?"

"Really beautiful... Ah, one more thing." I took out something out of my pocket.

"Our wedding rings." I pulled out her ring and wear it on her finger then she did the same.

"Let's go." I offered my hand and she took it.
The car pulled off in front of DRS Building. We got off and went straight into the main hall. There's so many reporters there. We bowed and sat down.

Author's POV:

After the couple arrived, a man came into the hall and bowed. He also sat down.

"Since everyone's here, we can start now." An announcer said. Rae Won picked up the mic in front of her.

"Good evening, everyone. Firstly, thanks for spending your times for this press conference. I'm Vice President of DRS Company, Kim Rae Won. I'm sure everyone are aware of the purpose of this press conference. I want to take this chance to formally introduce to everyone, the man beside me. "Eunwoo stood up and Rae Won held his hand.

" Lee Dong Min, my husband. It's true that I've married at such a young age. Next, I would like to clarify the second rumours regarding my relationship with President Yook of BTB Group. We've met often since we're in the same industry and it led to our friendship. President Yook and I are no more than friend. I hope this can shut the mouth of the netizens out there. That's all I want to say. Thank you. " She put down her mic and left with Eunwoo. Sungjae also followed her.

Rae Won POV:

We left to my office. I sat down on my chair and Eunwoo oppa also sat down on the chair in front of me. Sungjae oppa just stood at the door.

" Why didn't you tell the truth?"

"What do you mean?"

"About me pursuing you and even asked to marry you but at the end you married someone else."

"Sungjae oppa, it's all the past, right? The most important thing is to shut people's mouth. What's really happened, just let it be between us."

"Thank you." I smiled. Then, Taeyong oppa came in.

"Rae Won, I found it." I sit up straight. He came beside me and showed me his phone. I took a look at it. Then, a flashback from my past popped up.

"I remember it!" Everyone looked at me eagerly.

To Be Continued...

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