Chapter 32

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Taeyong POV:

I parked the car beside the road and a man got in. As he got in, I drove the car.

"You've seen it, right?" He nodded.

"I knew you're great for this task. Make sure you find who is sabotaging my family. That person really messed with a wrong person!"

"I got it, Mr. Lee. I'll do my best to find it out as soon as possible." I took a bag from the backseat and gave it to him.

"Here is the deposit. The rest of it, you'll get after you finish the task." I pulled off the car and he got out. I drove back home.

"Where were you?" I startled as a voice asked as soon as I entered the house.

"Just settling some stuff. Wae?" I went to sit beside her on the couch.

"Oppa, I'm boring here. Can't I go out?"

"It's not the right time. Your news are trending right now."

"Why are they making fuss of it? It's not like I'm a celebrity or whatsoever."

"Vice President Kim, do you know that you're the heiress of the biggest group in Korea?"

"Aish... Whatever. I'm going back to my room." She went up to her room.

Rae Won POV:

I threw my body on the bed. I took my phone and video called Eunwoo oppa.

Eunwoo oppa: Hey, Rae Won! What's wrong?
Me: I'm boring in here! Taeyong oppa won't let me go out and I miss you...
Eunwoo oppa: Aww... I miss you too.
Me: What are you doing, oppa? Is your situation good?
Eunwoo oppa: Umm... Great since no one knew about my identity yet.
Me: That's a relief.

"Rae Won!" Taeyong oppa ran into my room.

"Wae?" He showed me his phone. I looked at it. I gasped.

Eunwoo oppa: What's wrong?
Taeyong oppa: Look at the link I sent you, Eunwoo.
Eunwoo oppa: Oh, wait a minute. *shocked* What are we going to do now?
Me: Eunwoo oppa, I'll sort out this things. I'll talk to you later. Bye bye.

I ended the call.

"What's the situation?" I asked Taeyong oppa.

"The reporters are going to BTB Group now."

"Aish, these people really work fast!"I dialled a number.

Me: Sungjae oppa, have you seen the news?
Sungjae oppa: Uh, how did this leak out?
Me: We're still finding out who is it. I'm sure you will be interviewed later so I want to ask a favor from you.
Sungjae oppa: Sure. What is it?
Me: *inhale* I planned to announce it and if they asked you about it, don't say anything yet. Just say that everything will be revealed at press conference two days later.
Sungjae oppa: Okay.
Me: Gomawo.

"Are you sure you're going to do this?" Taeyong oppa asked as soon as I ended the call. I nodded.

"Can you arrange it, oppa?" He nodded.

"I'm going to pick up Eunwoo oppa."

"Let me drive you there."

"No, it's okay. You control the things happen here. I'll ask Jimin oppa to drive me there." He nodded and left. I got ready and Jimin oppa was already there when I'm done.
He got in the car as Jimin oppa pulled off the car in front of his college.

" How's the situation now?"

" It's getting worse now as some of our workers saw the scene and also some also claimed that they know you. I bet your identity has been revealed. So, I rushed here."

"What's your plan?"

"I planned to announce our relationship and deny the rumors. Will you agree with it?"

"Of course I agree. I just want everyone to know that you're mine." I smiled.

Kim Rae Won, the heiress of DRS Group is two-timer.
Some of the workers of DRS Group sent us a picture of Kim Rae Won's husband argued with President Yook of BTB Group in DRS Group's building.

xxxxxxxxx: I heard that President Yook is her boyfriend, where did her current husband came from?
xxxxxxx: It's obvious that she's a two-timer. A handsome man in one hand and a rich man in the other hand.

I sighed and turned off the phone. I put my head on his shoulder and slowly drove into sleep.

Eunwoo POV:

I caressed her hair softly and kissed her forehead.

"Eunwoo,we're here." Jimin hyung said as he parked the car. I carried her out of the car and went inside the house with the help of Jimin hyung.

"You're here?" Taeyong hyung came out and he saw me carrying Rae Won who is sleeping.

"Go have a rest." I nodded and went up to the room. I laid her down on the bed. I was about to left when she held my hand. I turned my body to her sleeping face. Her mouth mumbled something that I can't hear. I went near her.

"Oppa, I never cheat you. I've always liked you only. No one else. I'm sorry." I kneeled down beside her and held her hand tightly.

"What are you being sorry for? I trust you." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Kim Rae Won." I whispered.

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