:Chapter Twenty-Four:"Thank you, hyung, for driving me home." Jeongguk said once he entered Hoseok's car, the aforementioned getting in on the driver's side.
"You don't have to thank me, I drive you every other day." Hoseok claimed, shrugging lamely. He started up his vehicle after pulling the seatbelt over his body. "When do you get to come back to school?"
Jeongguk hummed, opening the windows for a nice cool breeze to pass through. "Technically, anytime I want but the doctor said that if I'm still having bad sensitivity to just stay home and rest more."
"Well, are you?" Hoseok wondered.
"Yeah, I had to put my AirPods in my ears halfway through the game because you guys just scream." Jeongguk claimed. "I didn't think it would be that bad but damn."
The two shared a small chuckle together, little smiles on their faces.
Hoseok hummed, thinking it was time to change the subject to something he's been wondering. "How did Taehyung do?"
"What does it matter how I think he did?" Jeongguk questioned with a cocked brow, head resting back on the headrest.
"You're not going to insult him? Inform me on how life isn't fair and had to sit you out and put him in?" Hoseok questioned, surprised Jeongguk didn't want to bash Taehyung for his pitching skills, even if he believed Taehyung did good.
"Don't get me wrong, he's definitely not a pitcher and life does suck for giving me a severe concussion out of everyone," Jeongguk said bluntly. "But what do I get out of talking about him to you? I'll just wait to tell it all to his face." Grinned the younger of the two.
"Ah, yes, because that always ends well." Hoseok shook his head, a small smile lingering on his lips. "That team was so dirty." Hoseok uttered to fill in the silence.
"We use to play against them at my old school," Jeongguk stated. "They've always played like that. If we began to beat them and they knew they were going to lose, they didn't focus on winning anymore," he shrugged. "They focused on hurting the other team's players."
"I can tell."
"The way they were hitting Kim and tripping him, they were doing that because they know he's not only the captain but he's the only backup pitcher." Jeongguk said, feeling a tug at his heart with remembering he wasn't going to be able to play anymore.
His doctor confirmed it with a phone call saying it would be best to sit out the rest of the season so it wouldn't become any worse. It really hurt Jeongguk but he decided not to bring it up to anyone, figuring everyone would have the idea Jeongguk wasn't going to pitch anymore.
"I knew they were. He landed hard on his knee that one inning." Hoseok informed, driving down the road to get to Jeongguk's house. "But we can't just sit him out because they were targeting him. They would've targeted someone else."
Jeongguk didn't say anything now, deciding it was enough of that conversation. It did suck but he didn't want to keep going on and on about it.
"How's Jaeyong?" Hoseok questioned, sparing a small glance over at Jeongguk who was just looking straight ahead, arms loosely crossed over his chest.
"He's good," he said vaguely. "He's starting to understand that he can't run through the house screaming which is nice." And there it was, a small smile over Jeongguk's thin lips.
"Oh really?" Hoseok took notice, adoring how Jeongguk could talk on for ages about his little brother.
"Yeah, he just doesn't know why light or sound would bother my headache." Jeongguk commented. He looked at Hoseok who looked back at the road the moment their eyes met.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}
Fanfiction"At the end of the day, just remember who wears number one on their back." *** Baseball is the only thing that truly gives Taehyung joy through his high school years. He knows every position and has even played all of them once in his life. All but...