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:Chapter Two:

     Soft toss came and like always, the captain went first.

Soft toss is where Coach would gently toss the ball up and the batter — in this case, Taehyung — would hit the ball into outfield who were the remaining players. They would all try to catch the baseball.

Taehyung was infamous for his batting and how far he could get the baseballs, being the only one on the team to be able to get it as far as he did in the outfield. As of now.

Hoseok nudged Jeongguk. "You might want to stand further back, he hits them pretty far." He informed the younger who nodded as a response, taking a few more steps back with Hoseok. "Just watch." He added, getting in a good stance, showing he was ready.

"Heads up!" The Coach shouted and tossed the first ball in the air. Taehyung swung just bat and hit it with all his might, shooting the ball high into the sky. He watched the ball with pride, a semi-smile lingering over his beautifully-shaped lips.

Outfield ran into a direction, trying to spot where the baseball shot up. Some called, 'got it' though they really didn't, and others just kept their eyes glued to the ball.

No one ended up catching it, it going further than anyone could realized so they stood a bit further now, watching Taehyung swing his bat more and more with every baseball that was tossed softly for him to swing at.

He was better at soft toss than at actual pitch to him. Taehyung had to work harder on his batting. He definitely wasn't bad and could hit most of them but sometimes, he would swing too late or not make the right call whatsoever on whether to swing or not. He really did work hard, though.

The captain hit all of them but two. He swung early and they fell to the ground. His Coach told him to shake it off and that he did good.

"Collect the balls, next batter get ready!" Yelled out the Coach, turning away to give Taehyung some pointers on his swings. He had informed him that he doesn't appear to be too focused and needs to really take his swing all the way through.

That's when Hoseok looked at Jeongguk. "I'm usually next but you should go next! I'll go after you."

Newbie frowned. "You sure? I totally don't mind going last." He replied, picking up a few baseballs that were around him, Hoseok doing the same.

"For sure! You can go before me, I don't mind at all and I rather you get a chance in. Are you any good at batting?" Hoseok asked the younger, walking alongside him to take the balls back into the bucket where the Coach stood, telling the players to hurry their asses up.

Jeongguk tossed the few he gathered into the said bucket, blowing air our his nose as a huff. "Any good? You have no faith in me, Hoseok hyung."

"That doesn't answer my question. It's okay if you aren't the best, no one here hits it further than Taehyung does." Hoseok shrugged. "But still, don't beat yourself down if you miss a few." He added on.

Jeongguk dully noted a few things Hoseok said, taking off his mitt and pulling on gloves that would help the grip he had on his bat.

He looked at the variety of baseball bats to choose from, not particularly liking any of them so he went over to his bag where he dug through it.

"I said, next batter!" The Coach called out again. Jeongguk picked up his bat and smiled. Man, he loved this bat a little too much sometimes, swore up and down he was going to marry it.

He pulled on a helmet, going up to the plate.

Jeongguk got into the most professional stance the team had ever saw, his left leg digging into the dirt under his cleat.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now