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:Chapter Four:

     "Hey, Jeongguk," the aforementioned heard his name, frowning. He turned around, being greeted by the one guy who showed him around yesterday. Not Hoseok but the other one. Today was his very second day of school here, still getting used to everything.

Being greeted by someone who actually used his name wasn't something he was accustomed to.

"Oh, um, hi . . ." He waited for the teenager to catch up to his side. "What's up?"

"Namjoon, by the way, just in case you forgot my name." He said with a smile, Jeongguk hesitantly returning one. "So, how was your first day? How was classes and baseball practice? Everything you hoped for?"

"Right, Namjoon. Well, it wasn't anything exciting. Practice was fun at first until the one dude totally decided to shit on me." Jeongguk shrugged like it was nothing.

"Really? Usually the baseball team is awesome with communication and teamwork. Surprised to even hear someone doesn't like you. I thought you were pretty cool!"

"I think you're cool too, the guy was mad at me because I hit further than he did. At least I think. He was cool with me until soft toss started, then he hated me. I don't care, I just thought it was weird."

Then, Namjoon frowned at the words the younger said. He felt confused. "Taehyung? The captain? He's about your height, talks to Hoseok-"

"Yeah, him." Jeongguk nodded his head to signal who he was talking about. "He wasn't a good sport about it at all."

"Um, well, that's weird." Commented the older. "Taehyung usually is a sweetheart. He's a great baseball player and- wow. I'll talk to him about it, maybe when I have lunch with him." He looked away, staring ahead. It was surprising Taehyung was mean to someone. He made it a point to talk to him about it during lunch. "Don't worry about it for now. I'm sure it was a bad day or something. You should talk to Yoongi. I think you two would be great friends! He's the one I told you that plays basketball."

Jeongguk let out a hum. Don't get him wrong, he appreciated Namjoon's attempts at making his time here memorable by helping him make friends and assisting him but the younger felt like he was more than capable of doing things on his own.

"What's your next class?" The elder asked, looking at Jeongguk for a second before forwarding his gaze. "I have pre-calculus next."

The black-haired teenager paused for a moment, reaching his hand into his pocket to retrieve his schedule. His eyes scanned over the wrinkled timesheet, checking for period four. "Korean literature then lunch. Is your lunch fifth period too?"

"Yup! Perhaps we can have lunch together, hmm?" Namjoon suggested in a friendly way, keeping his sweet smile plastered on his face like it was second nature to him. His dimples really made his smile bright.

"Didn't you say you were going to talk to the captain? I don't really want to sit with you and him. I think I'll just try to make other friends and sit with them if you don't mind." Jeongguk wasn't one to chase after people to be his friend, certainly not the ones who made Jeongguk an enemy for no reason whatsoever. At least reasons what weren't apparent.

"If you change your mind or don't mind sitting there, we sit at the table in the back by the big windows, closest to the exit. It's not only me and Taehyung, Hoseok would be there too and you guys seemed to hit it off." Namjoon shrugged. "Sorry for eating away at your time, though, this is my stop. I'll see you later!" And with those words, he walked into the room which Jeongguk assumed was pre-calculus.

The younger didn't even get to bid goodbyes for Namjoon was scurried into the classroom.

He watched his back and shook his head, walking away to get to his own class.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now