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:Chapter Six:

"You're honestly ridiculous." Hoseok uttered, leaving the lunch room with Taehyung by his side. He had repeated this same statement several other times right before this. It was like a broken record.

"Me? Just me?"

"I mean, Jeongguk was a bit overkill too but you should know better. The dude just started this school and you want to make it hell for him and for what reason besides childhood beef?" Hoseok rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disappointment.

Taehyung huffed. "Yeah, whatever. Maybe if he weren't such a cocky fucker who thought the world revolved around him and his achievements, I wouldn't have found him to be a nuisance."

"I- What? He just started! He hasn't boasted about anything. You're comparing him to when he was younger. Years back." Hoseok argued. He found this to all be very ridiculous. "I thought you guys would've been great friends but you thought bitching was the best way to go."

The younger just rolled his eyes, giving up on the conversation. It wasn't worth arguing back and forth with Hoseok who, Taehyung knew deep down inside, was right.

Taehyung just hated being embarrassed the way he was that day and he knew Jeongguk had to remember him. The first basemen knew a face like his own was hard to forget.

"Maybe you can just try to make it up to him during practice? Not make it up but like, I don't know, not be a dick head?" Hoseok continued. Taehyung might have wanted to end this conversation but Hoseok wasn't done just yet.

"And if he's an ass to me? Then what?" Responded the stubborn younger teen.

The elder huffed, shaking his head. "Then suck is dick and kiss his ass, Taehyung, I'm just asking for the sake of our team." He clearly sounded annoyed. "I just think arguing about some stupid little issue isn't the best thing to be doing. We're a team."

"Fuck, I hate it when you're right but then talk to him and tell him no arguing while on the field, 'kay? I'll bite my tongue for you and our team." Taehyung said honestly. Hoseok just wanted things to be good and that's why he was so persistent on telling the two teenagers they would be good to great friends.

The elder one smiled, feeling accomplished with himself. "Great, really." He said with his beautiful smile. "I'm not asking you guys to be besties and link arms as you run into the sunset together but I'm just asking you guys ignore one another or talk when it's actually needed."

"Yeah. But, let's not keep going over him, I want to talk about practice!" Taehyung's whole behavior changed up the moment he mentioned practice.

     As they walked and talked about practice, the two best friends went to their classes. For their next period, they didn't share classes so they ended up splitting ways. Hoseok had to go to math — which he was working hard on not failing — and Taehyung had to get himself to gym.

He actually liked gym class for many reasons. He always got to practice running since they ran laps typically as a warm up, and it was just good exercise to get in. He loved the adrenaline it gave him, working out, practicing, just getting his heartbeat racing.

So, in short, gym was one of his favorite classes. Just a little fun fact if anyone wanted to know.

He changed out of his school clothes and slipped on a pair of basketball shorts he stole from Yoongi and a plain white T-shirt that was a bit big compared to his small frame. Then, lastly, he pulled on a dirty pair of runners that he didn't really wear unless it was for gym or for practice that he did on his own time.

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