:Chapter Thirty-Nine:Jeongguk shifted, grunting lowly when he felt a tickle on his face, probably a piece of his hair.
That's what he thought until he heard quiet giggling and quick movements. This surely awoke him since that in itself was suspicious enough. Who would need to be giggling so quietly at this time?
His eyelids fluttered opened, his vision a bit blurry due to suddenly waking up. A small yawn left his thin lips and he pushed his body to sit up.
Taehyung and Jaeyong were staring at Jeongguk, both holding wide grins that complimented their features. It didn't help that they had scattered away faster than the speed of light.
Jeongguk frowned once he got a look at them, noticing something hiding in Taehyung's hand. He then looked back at them and pulled his brows in. He had already figured out what they did while he was peacefully napping.
"You fuckers totally didn't." He uttered, taking his hand and rubbing it down his face before pulling it back and looking over it. There wasn't anything on his hands but perhaps the color had already dried down.
"Jae, doesn't it fit him? I think he looks great, right?" Taehyung smiled, nudging the younger kid who eagerly nodded his small head.
"Goo very handsome!" Jaeyong commented, clapping his hands.
Jeongguk's features sharpened, suddenly shoving himself to his feet in a single motion. "You pieces of shit," he uttered, walking a bit out of the living room to the dining room where they had a little circular mirror hanging on the wall.
The raven-haired teenager got a glance of himself, seeing the black marker cover his face. He had a fake mustache, a circle around his left eye, and in big bold lettering, the word, 'Newbie' across his forehead.
A frown made its way to his face, seeing just how ridiculous he looked.
Taehyung and Jaeyong were standing in the doorway together, both giggling and making fun of Jeongguk's new and improved look specially done by them.
"You— Ugh! I can't trust you fools for a second!" Jeongguk groaned, shaking his head. He then turned away and walked into the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them.
Taehyung and Jaeyong followed, wanting to watch the teenager struggle with scrubbing off the black marker off his face.
"What? You don't like it?" Asked Taehyung. "I think you look good with a mustache! It's fitting!" He added on, Jaeyong just agreeing by his side. "Very manly."
"Yeah right, can't believe you two." Jeongguk sulked, aggressively scrubbing his upper lip to remove the marker. His skin was definitely going to be sore and bright red after all of this.
Thankfully, the two used washable marker and not Sharpie so he didn't have to rub his skin totally off. He could see with each paper towel he used the black ink washing off, coating the tissue.
"What? It's just a little fun. Not like we tattooed it on you, Newbie." Taehyung rolled his eyes, smile still lingering.
"Your point? You guys are ridiculous." Jeongguk uttered, soon moving to his forehead in hopes he cleaned off the mustache. "What possessed you guys to even do this?"
"Well, I knew you were sleeping way before Jaeyong did but when he found out you fell asleep, he gave the idea to draw on your face." Taehyung told.
Jaeyong gasped and looked up at Taehyung who snickered. "You tattletale!" He sucked his teeth, shaking his head with a pout.
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, side-eyeing his brother. "You suggested this? You trader, ever heard of blood being thicker than water?" He inquired, not surprised when Jaeyong shook his head.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}
Fanfiction"At the end of the day, just remember who wears number one on their back." *** Baseball is the only thing that truly gives Taehyung joy through his high school years. He knows every position and has even played all of them once in his life. All but...