:Chapter Eleven:"Hey, Jeongguk- oh shit, what happened to your face?" Namjoon walked up to his friend, Jeongguk by his locker but had looked up once hearing his name. That gave Namjoon a clear look of his bruised face.
Jeongguk's lip had a split in that had scabbed a bit but looked red. His right eye also looked bruised around, showing he gotten hit a few times.
"Do you get abused at home?" The question was so out of the blue, taking Jeongguk off guard.
"What?" He cocked a brow, a clear frown on his face. Namjoon really took it from one to a hundred, leaving no room for Jeongguk to even begin to explain what happened.
"Because if you are, I can help you out of there. You said you had a brother, too? I can get you guys out of there. My parents won't mind looking after you." Namjoon had shown concern, feeling bad and awfully worried. He was such a caring person; an older brother Jeongguk wish he had.
"Hyung, no, I'm not getting hurt at home, my father wouldn't dare lay his hands on me and Jaeyong." Jeongguk said assuringly, turning his frown into a weak smile at the concern. He barely knew him but the boy would be willing to take him in if he were getting hurt at home.
"Really? Then what happened?" Namjoon inquired, making the younger look over him so he could examine his face. "It isn't too bad for whatever happened, just clear you were in a physical altercation."
"Me and Kim got into a fight." Jeongguk said, pulling out his notebook before he shut his locker. The two of them began to walk to get to their classes.
"Like, Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? Your captain? Of the baseball team?" Questioned the older one of the two, a brow cocked. Never would he ever believe Taehyung got himself into a fight. Especially not with Jeongguk.
Sure the two had issues and didn't like one another but Namjoon didn't ever think in a million years that Jeongguk and Taehyung would actually throw real fists at one another.
"Yeah, him." The younger didn't know where Namjoon was taking this but he hoped it wasn't going to make him feel like trash. That was the last thing he needed to hear.
"Can't believe he actually messed up your face, I didn't think he was a fighter."
"Well, don't let this fool you, he isn't." The pitcher hated being bested at things and though he knew he was stronger than Taehyung and had more experience in fighting, Taehyung unfortunately got good hits on him and it was noticeable as well. "A few good swings aren't equivalent to being a good fighter, he got lucky. Hoseok hyung was in my way."
"Mhmm, sure, Gguk." Namjoon chuckled lightly, throwing his arm over the aforementioned's shoulders, giving a small pat. "What ticked you guys off? Who started it?"
"I did. I don't want to talk about it though if that's okay, Namjoon hyung." Said the younger, not in a playful mood. The topic was so touchy and he felt so weak anytime it was brought up. He rather not go into details about it. "Just us bickering per usual, that's all."
"If you say so." He retracted his arm. "Head to your next class, I don't want to make you late. Teachers have been on our asses about it and the last thing you appear to need is a lecture about when to be in class and whatnot." Namjoon said, nudging his younger friend who just nodded as a response.
"See you later, Jeongguk!"
"You too," the younger waved him off and walked down the hall, his notebooks in his hands and his eyes locked in front of him. The pitcher didn't feel like waving to his teammates, didn't feel like talking.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}
Fanfiction"At the end of the day, just remember who wears number one on their back." *** Baseball is the only thing that truly gives Taehyung joy through his high school years. He knows every position and has even played all of them once in his life. All but...