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:Chapter Forty:

Taehyung helped place the needed equipment in the back of the bus to help prepare for their away game.

The team was all readying up for their very next playoff game, it being away and against a team they haven't played before in this season. They've played them before in previous seasons, just not this one.

They were pretty good, definitely a challenge but they had their cons.

However, Taehyung wasn't really thinking about the game they were preparing for, no. He was thinking about Newbie surprisingly.

He tried to catch Newbie when they were alone but the younger seemed to not be in the mood to talk.

Taehyung knew why but he decided to give the younger the space he silently requested, figuring it would be the best option at the time but now? Taehyung really wanted to clear this up before the game.

With that in thought, he managed to spot just the boy he was looking for. The teen was making his way back into the school to probably go grab something.

It was the perfect timing, he was going in alone and Taehyung could just make up some bullshit lie on why he needed to excuse himself.

He could tell them he had to use the bathroom, forgot his headband or glove or somethings, just anything to get him out of the bud and closer to Jeongguk.

He didn't know why but it just bothered him. They were trying for a friendship and he knew he said some hurtful things. It bothered him; Jeongguk being mad at him. Oddly enough.

     Taehyung exited the bus, scratching the back of his neck as he walked over to the corridors. He tugged the door ajar, slipping inside the building.

He didn't know where the younger was heading but he assumed he could go check in the locker rooms first, thinking the boy might've been in there.

If he wasn't then he would have to turn to somewhere else to look but with very little time.

     The team captain quietly made it to the locker room, peaking his head in first to check it out. He didn't know why he was sneaking but here he was, trying his best to push the door a bit wider without making a noise.

He was about to call out until he heard a trickling sound, soft humming right after it.

He frowned, letting the door close softly behind him. Before anything more could be done, a flush echoed throughout the locker room.

     Taehyung just stood there awkwardly, supposedly waiting for Jeongguk to get out of the restroom since that's where he resided.

     The stall opened and Jeongguk walked out, pulling his zipper up. He then looked up and froze, surprised to be greeted by Kim who stood there, hands dangling by his sides.

Jeongguk was confused, adjusting his T-shirt. He didn't have his uniform top on just yet, just the bottoms. He would have to eventually change sooner or later.

"You're stalking me now?" Jeongguk inquired, a cocked brow. His surprised-look was short-lived and died into irritation.

Taehyung shook his head. "No, I just got in here . . . I was waiting." He uttered, feeling sudden nerves.

"Sure," Jeongguk shook his head, walking over to the sink and turning it on. "There's more than one stall, you know."

Taehyung watched him, not having a sudden clue on why he was in here all of a sudden. He frowned, gulping thickly. He didn't even have a witty remark to comeback with.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now