Leigh anne

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We finally finished tour im so excited spend some time at home with both my girls there's talks going around about a virus COVID 19 see I pay more attention to these sort of thing more than Perrie does I was getting more and more paranoid about this covid situation Perrie just laughs at me for being so paranoid we were sorting out Christmas decorations and Perrie was out with Amelia and all three dogs so I was getting prepared inviting everyone around for a Christmas party

We finally finished tour im so excited spend some time at home with both my girls there's talks going around about a virus COVID 19 see I pay more attention to these sort of thing more than Perrie does I was getting more and more paranoid about th...

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Leighannepinnock: when my darling fiancé is out with our girl I'm left to sort out everything for Christmas @perrieedwards

Perrieedwards and 200,000 others like this
Jadethirlwall: aww @leighannepinnock at least you have time on your own with our any stresses 😉
Jesynelson: aww leigh leigh i wouldn't complain quite house stick some Christmas music on
Debbieedwards: classic @perrieedwards l hope your behaving yourself

I laughed at the comments as I heard 3 dogs and my gorgeous fiancé and my beautiful daughter hunny I'm home pez shouted Amelia is holding perries hand mummy she let go of perries hand to ran in to my arms giving me a massive hug mummy she asked in her sweet voice yes darling I said hesitantly can we get puppy? She asked I looked towards pez she was leaning on the doorframe smirking I will discuss it with mammy ok she ran off to hatchi, Kyro and Harvey pezzzzzz I longed out yes this she replied you've not been asking Amelia to convince me to get another dog I questioned her maybe she replies no we have three and guess who will look after it muggins here or your mum pez I said she moved closer to me are you sure I can't convince you baby no i have to go and sort Amelia out and the three dogs I said firmly.

Christmas was a good year this year pez got me the new iPhone and a new iPad for my sketches it will be interesting as it's digital art i got pez a new iPhone a ice Rolex watch it was nice it was just us six for Christmas every one was coming Boxing Day for jades birthday party a drag queen party I'm still feeling paranoid pez on the other hand is not as much I have a feeling it's something big

Christmas was a good year this year pez got me the new iPhone and a new iPad for my sketches it will be interesting as it's digital art i got pez a new iPhone a ice Rolex watch it was nice it was just us six for Christmas every one was coming Boxi...

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Leighannepinnock: Merry Christmas you beautiful mixers from our family to your love my beautiful fiancé @perrieedwards

Perrieedwards and 230,000 like this

Jadethirlwall: Merry Christmas you idiots see you tomorrow ❤️

Jesynelson:  Merry Christmas girlies can't wait to see you and Amelia tomorrow

Dpinnock69: merry christmas to my beautiful daughter and daughter-in-law and my beautiful granddaughter

Debbieedwards: merry Christmas girlies sending my love to my gorgeous Amelia

Reading the comment was very funny i turned everything off ready for bed the dogs were in there respective beds except hatchi who was in Amelia bedroom I went into mine and perries room and found her laying on the floor with headphones in i stood in the door way smirking

Reading the comment was very funny i turned everything off ready for bed the dogs were in there respective beds except hatchi who was in Amelia bedroom I went into mine and perries room and found her laying on the floor with headphones in i stood ...

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Leighannepinnock: @perrieedwards are you ok babe? I found her like this

Jadethirlwall and 200,000 others like this

Jesynelson: pez what the fuck you weirdo
Jadethirlwall:@leighannepinnock how do you put up with her
Leighannepinnock: @jadethirlwall i dont know either and @jesynelson she's my weirdo

Pez baby i curled into her side she ignored me so i rubbed her bulge sorry baby she took her headphones off what's with laying on the floor just waiting for you and writing songs babe for confetti oh right babe do you fancy writing something else daddy i rubbed her bulge more mmmmm baby girl i believe i want to do some writing with my big pen stretch your tight pussy baby give you another child she whispered no pez because I'm getting you something else i smirked her face fell trying to work out what it is

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