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Perrieedwards: @leighannepinnock and i are expecting twins help me 😂 Ruben Edwards and Halley Edwards we are both really excited 4 dogs, 3 children what could go wrong

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Perrieedwards: @leighannepinnock and i are expecting twins help me 😂 Ruben Edwards and Halley Edwards we are both really excited 4 dogs, 3 children what could go wrong.

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February 14th my favourite day i get to show my girl off and treated her properly i was scrolling through instagram when I found out jades going on bake off well thats going to be fun remember her last baking disaster its going to be fun.

I asked Ellie if she could have Amelia for the night i had everything planned down to the last letter i so ready for this i asked her also to have the dogs so no dogs no child.

Leigh was sitting watching stranger things she looked so cute wrapped up in her blanket and my hoodie i laugh that she still steals my clothes like she would do on tour snuggle up to me.

I was cooking our favourite chilli con carne and found some roses for the bedroom wanted to make a proper night first one in ages i even got some non alcoholic wine for my girl.

"Babe something smells good" leigh shouted

Ugh i wish i could smell "not long babe' i replied

"A warning to the people the good and the evil this is war to the leader the pariah the victor the Messiah" i hummed under my breath

"Babe what you singing" Leigh asked

Coming up behind me just thirty seconds to Mars stuck in my head I replied

"now mrs Edwards are you ready for a night of love sex and film night" I said kissing her

"Mrs Edwards?" She questioned

I kissed her forehead

"Yeah babe shall we set a date?" I asked

She nodded
"Well we have tour next year always fancied a summer wedding" she said lovingly

"Amelia will be six and the twins will be two so babe shall we set it 31st July 2023" I asked

" You miss Edwards are unbelievable definitely put it on the diary" she laughed kissing me

I carried my girl upstairs I wasn't fussed about sex I was just happy having her beside me just her touch.

We had loads planned for the mixers new single as a trio it's almost finished little bit of tweaking.

"Hey babe I love you so much" I said as she cuddled into me and I placed my hands on her stomach

"I love you to pezza thanks" she said leaning up to kiss me

Thanks I question

"Yeah babe for not having sex with me just worried about the twins they are kicking a lot hurting me" she whined

"Aw babe" when I suddenly felt my boxers suddenly go wet

babe I questioned

Pez the twins she started screaming in pain

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