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I heard leigh clutching at her stomach she was hurting oh no not again a rang Ellie to look after amelia.

We drove to the hospital.

"My fiancé is pregnant and she says it's hurting please help" I said panicking about leigh

"Babe it's ok" I reassured her kissing her head

She nodded and started to cry knowing what could be happening

"Miss pinnock, miss Edwards would you like to come through" the doctor said

"Ok so what's been happening" she asked

" well I'm pregnant and my stomach keeps hurting" leigh said

I kissed her giving her the look of everything's going to be fine

"Let's get you checked is this your first child" she asked

"No our second" I said

" would you like to lift your t-shirt up the gel will be a bit cold" she laughed

I think she was trying to put us at ease

"So the reason why you've been feeling pain is that you are having twins"

My jaw dropped to the ground Leigh squeezed my hand I think she's more relieved that she's not going to lose our child

"Twins" leigh stuttered

"Indeed would you like to know the sexes" the doctor asked

We both nodded looking more excited than ever

" so you are having a boy and a girl congratulations" she said

"Oh my god oh my god they are ok they no problems" leigh asked

" no they are very healthy you do need to eat more spinach though" the doctor said

"Thank you so much" we both said with relief

As we were driving back leigh was crying so much I rubbed her leg

"Babe, it's ok" I said

" I actually thought I was going through a miscarriage again I don't think I would of coped with another one" she said through sniffles as her crying calmed down

" same babe weren't expecting twins though" I laughed

"Me to babe" she said

"I love you babe" she said lovingly

"I love you more bubba" I replied

As we got home it was a relief Ellie came down to check if we were alright it's been tiring night already been a roller coaster.

"Not now ells" I said as leigh had fallen asleep on me I carried her upstairs.

I laid in bed I can't believe it we went through hell and then to get twins I thought

Good night babe as I kissed and placed my hands on her stomach.

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