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Perrie has been struggling so much since Jesy has left I've worked out away of getting her focused into something thats not negative I think it may help her a lot the kids have grown so much Amelia is 4 which I don't understand where the time has gone

So this is hopefully going to work I think it will be interesting. We may have to brainstorm but I had something better.

Phone conversation Ellie:

Leighly: hey Ells you ok?

Ellie: yeah what's up?

Leighly: can I ask you a massive favour?

Ellie: sure what is it?

*leigh made sure Perrie was no where to be seen or heard*

Leighly: I want to create mine and perries first date could you baby/ dog sit for the kids please

Ellie: oh my god that's so cute of course I will.

Leighly: thanks Ellie so Saturday at 10am

Ellie: see you then
*phone hang up*

Perrie was in our room crying I knew exactly now how to cheer her up.

"Here baby" as she crawled into my lap

I just let her cry until i felt her breathing get to normal i wiped her tears she seemed a bit better

Saturday date

Perrie still has no clue where we are going which makes me excited the doorbell went the kids came running in

"auntie Ellie" they said in unison

Ellie smiled laughing at them as they gave her a hug

"Ready babe?" I asked her

She still looked so fucking confused its alright Im used to this especially when she looks blank

She nodded

"Where we going?" She asked

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I laughed as I rubbed her thigh

She fell asleep quite early into the journey which means I got to listen to my playlist

I was so excited for our date to bring a smile to her face

We got to our destination I couldn't help how beautiful she is

"Babe we are here" I said shaking her

She stirred I kissed her knowing how it wakes her up

"Where are we babe" she asked being more awake than before

"Guess" I answered

"Disneyland" she replied

I shook my head and parked the car up

I hope she likes our date

Lerrie: get weird to present Where stories live. Discover now