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I am really worried about pez shes seems to be beating herself up about jesy and that it can be her fault i found the bed empty i looked around and found her with hatchi on the balcony

"Pez you over thinking again babe" i asked she nodded
"Babe can i sit on your lap" i asked kissing her she nodded as hatchi jumped off.

I sat down kissing my girl as i rolled my hips kissing her i love you so much.

" we need to go to bed we have got a busy day tomorrow" i husked

She finally agreed as i pulled her up and kissed her i love her so much we just need to work on her anxiety and over thinking because she struggles so much i went to get into bed.

I couldnt find pez i went to look for her and she was in Amelias room babe i sat down next to her she was cuddled into Amelias massive teddy she was crying babe we need to talk to jesy in the morning because the statement is going out tomorrow and when a 4 becomes a 3 she nodded i had to take a photo of her she looked so cute.

"Bed time you" i whispered pulling her up for the second time tonight she ran and jumped on the bed pulling me with her.

"Babe how do you do it? Go from being sad to the most hyper person in the world" i laughed

She shrugged i guess at least shes not letting her anxiety get to her.

The next morning was an intresting one my girl wont get up my other girl is currently with olaf tucked under her arm she looks so sweet travis was sleeping in Amelias big teddy where perrie was last night that reminds me.

The next morning was an intresting one my girl wont get up my other girl is currently with olaf tucked under her arm  she looks so sweet travis was sleeping in Amelias big teddy where perrie was last night that reminds me

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Leighannepinnock: @perrieedwards i think has found her new place yes stealing Amelias toy not hatchi

Perrieedwards, jadethirlwall and 200,000 others like

Jadethirlwall: wow no hatchi stealing her toys now keep an eye on pezza @leighannepinnock 😂

Perrieedwards: @jadethirlwall i no steal it was comfy 😂
Leighannepinnock: @jadethirlwall its true and @perrieedwards good to know your awake

LEIGH perrie shouted came running down the stairs babe whats happened jesy she cried into me

"Oh shit i forgot babe, we were going to talk jes weren't we" i questioned while i was stroking her blonde hair.

"Mummy mammy" Amelia shouted came running down the stairs i shook my head

"Yes sweetie" I crouched down to her level

"Hug" she asked
Me and Perrie gave her a hug then she ran off to the dogs

"Shall we call Jesy get this out in the open and put your mind at rest" I asked kissing her she nodded

We got off of FaceTime with jes Perrie seems happier we decided to cuddle up with Amelia in the movie room Amelia got all her toys and dragged them in and the dogs ended up in the room it was very cute suddenly I had a wave of sickness come over me.

Could this really be happening again

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