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Fuck I'm in so much pain that it hurts so much I felt wetness

"Pez babe we need to get to hospital" i screamed in pain fuck the contractions are killing.

This birth is definitely worse than Amelias

"Pez there's blood" i felt ow fuck

That's the last thing I remember.................

When i came round i felt so bad we have lost the twins oh whys it always us what can i do wrong as i gained my surroundings pez was sitting the chair next to my bed she was crying.

"Oh no we lost them" i said crying pez cut across me "no babe they are sleeping"

Oh my god they are so beautiful "pez we done it" i said excited she smiled kissing me "the nurse will be round in a minuet to check on us and the twins we need to give their names and cut the cord and decide if your breastfeeding" perrie said.

The nurse came round she done her bits that she needs to do she gave me Ruben while perrie had Halley i felt him rest on my chest after all this time going through so much trauma and ptsd we finally had our babies not even expecting 14th February 2021.

"Pez i love you, i cant wait to get married to you" i smiled kissing her

"I love you to leighly your so strong leigh babe Rubens opening his eyes" she said so excited she was right i looked down to my beautiful baby boy he was opening his eyes to match perries ocean blue eyes her eyes a fall in love every day.

"I'm so tired babe" as I let out a yawn.

"Go and get some sleep babe and i will go and announce it to the group chat and I'm sure we can video call them and show the twins off.

3 days later

I got discharged from hospital jade sent the twins some Disney toys classic jade i mean she got olaf for Amelia which hatchi eyes up she got Ruben a Donald Duck toy and Halley a Minnie Mouse.

"Pez which dogs going to try stealing there toys this time i mean hatchi and olaf" i laughed

"Lets take bets aye, I'm going to say travis" perrie said laughing more

"I'm going to say harvey, the loser has to cook a romantic meal" i laughed

I could tell pez thought about it as the last time she made a bet she didn't think with jade and jesy and the rules meant we could touch each other so that meant a sex deprived perrie and her losing and ending up buying Nando's i dont think i could cope with a sex deprived perrie is not a nice perrie.

"Deal" she said

"Babe how long did it take for you to decide at least you learnt from the Nando's deal" i laughed she kissed my head.

"I learnt well the doors just gone" she said

"How do you" i got interrupted by kyro I thought to myself great thanks kyro i now have crying children as i tried putting them down for a nap

"Mummy can you help me" my daughter asked sweetly and gave me a hug

"Of course you can, whats up baby" i asked

"Mammys rubbish at my things i have to do" she said pouting

I couldnt help but laugh I wouldn't say i was good at school but i swear kids school work gets harder and being at home so many distraction dogs hatchi mainly i mean he is pez's dog so i know I have a feeling I'm going to have to help with school work kyro eventually shut up but then he set the others off brilliant.

"Amelia mummy will be down in a bit to help you" i said cuddling her she was satisfied with the answer.

Hatchi came up and sat up on mine and perrie's bed i could tell he was eyeing up the toys.

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