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I could tell by perries actions she was freaking out about jes bless her i find it hard to cope with her overthinking sometimes but she cant help it i know and this is where hatchi came in pez really struggled with her anxiety when we were in our DNA era when she was "dating zayn" for media purpose see i bet you lot  didn't think we were dating then but we were in secret.

I love her so much but i looked over at her she was cuddling Amelia i could see the tears in her eyes it really affects her a lot.

"Come on munchkin time for bed" i said

"Nooooo mummy" she whined

A tiny whine as she was falling asleep on perrie bless her i didn't say anything and perrie picked her up and she snuggled into her.

I really need to think of how to help her she just seems to be going back to how she was when she was having her anxiety i need to give her a focus even though shes great with the kids.

I went to the movie room and i set up our Netflix and the dogs were in their respective beds.

"Babe where are you" pezza asked

"In the movie room babe" i replied.

"Just checked on the twins and they are fine babe, Ruben is cuddling Donald had to move his beak away from his mouth and hatchi's in Amelias room sleeping travis is in our room, dont you look so cute" she said kissing me

I sat on perries lap and cuddled into her grinding slightly on to her lap.

"Babe, do you want to talk about jesy" i asked

She nodded and i cuddled into her she moved her hands to my jeans i forgot i had rips as she started to pick at them.

"Why's it me that seems to have done something  jesy never used to be like this ever since shes left ive started to go back to my old ways" she cried

"I will help you babe through this" i said cuddling her

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