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I was downstairs sorting out Amelia we were having some cuddle time which makes times like this precious as we are busy with the twins i was scrolling through instagram when i saw jesy putting up about her being in a music studio which sent my anxiety into overdrive back to all the negative thoughts.

"Mammy, can we watch frozen 2 please" she asked sweetly we had harvey and travis with us hatchi was some where think he was up with leigh and the twins.

"Yeah sweet" i said scrolling for the desired film maybe can take my mind off jesy i just feel so useless the mixers had a go at me for her leaving and she go solo and yet it will be my fault.

When i got broken out my faults by hatchi and leigh she came in and lent over and kissed me.

"Ruben and Halley down for their nap" i asked.

"Yeah babe took a while when this one was eyeing up the toys" leigh laughed as hatchi sat down in his bed with his gorilla, dog toy and olaf which made me laugh kyro was sat on the window sill as he likes to keep watch and protect everyone I'm guessing.

Leigh came and sat down she came and cuddled me as my little girl was inbetween us.

"Babe you've been over thinking again whats up?" She asked

How does she know I'm overthinking about jesy and my anxiety around it in general.

"Is it the instagram post babe" she asked cuddling me more i nodded i had tears in my eyes knowing it's my fault jesy had left.

"Babe its not your fault here take this" she handed me some paper to rip up as i normally pick at her rips in her skinny jeans leigh told me i cant have ripped skinny jeans as i will tear them apart when i get anxious.

"Mummy i tired" Amelia whined as she cuddled her olaf which hatchi was eyeing up but i noticed him eyeing up the bin i nudged leigh

"Hatchi" it was to late he ran to the bin and pulled it apart

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