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I was waiting for perrie just feeling rough with the potential of another child on the way i love my perrie and my little girl i decided to get up for a bit even though i felt rough just getting out of bed i got a phone call from jesy

Jesminda: hey leighly how are you feeling?
Leighly: yeah feeling rough is that Amelia with you?
Jesminda: err yeah and 6 dogs
Leighly: jesminda where the fuck is perrie?
Jesminda: she's gone to the chemist oh she's back
Leighly: put me on the phone to her please
Jesminda: yeah ok
Leighly: pez babe why did you leave Amelia with jesy
Jesminda: because i couldnt leave 4 dogs and a child outside
Leighly: sorry babe what time you back
Jesminda: 10 minutes babe love you
Leighly: love you to

I hung up i heard all 4 barking and Amelia i opened the door they look shattered apart from hatchi and kyro but that doesn't surprise mummmy you all better she asked me i gave perrie a look she was looking so sexy yeah sweetie I'm better I said wait mummy as she ran off you got it babe yeah she nodded mummy my girl came running in with her Olaf toy and handed it to me yours mummy no sweetie hes yours go and have a nap with travis as hes tired as well she nodded pez go upstairs babe and i will sort our munchkin out i laughed.

You ok sweetie she nodded hatchi decided to come into her room hatchi had is Olaf toy for the first time settling down in his bed next to Amelias and travis tends to sleep with Amelia now they are almost like best friends her and hatchi are still best friends Harvey and kyro have chilled out sweetheart time for nap mummy i love you and mammy same sweetie.

I went upstairs to perrie not expecting her to be nearly near naked boxers and sports bra my her bulge is massive at the moment haven't you got any clothes to put on i could but i dont want to she kissed me we need to do the test babe not you to fuck me as much i looked at her ok then babe are you ready she asked i nodded we went into our en-suite she took the test out and handed it to me babe I have to pee on it i looked at her babe you have done way worse she smirked now do you want me to hold it for you she asked i can do it i smirked kissing her once i done i sat on the floor in front of pez I'm so nervous babe what if i am what about little mix babe we will be alright your panicking over nothing remember last time she said kissing me i nodded ready together 3,2,1 i looked down babe we are pregnant we both hugged each other another little person to look after we have got this so does that mean we get to have celebratory sex she asked me well babe i dont want you damaging our baby fine babe anal? She asked pez really first thing that goes to your mind maybe i said laughing everything else except anal babe not ready for that shit

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