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So it's mine and Leigh's 3 year anniversary I planned something very special I asked Jesy to look after Kyro, Harvey and hatchi as we were going away on holiday we had a break before touring we were going to Greece but the tickets haven't come yet I was going surprise her I have an idea on how I was going to do it I need to call jade she knows because I want to propose to her as Leigh keeps on about marriage and proposing.

Jade and Jesy what's app group

Pezza: hey jadey Jesminda can I speak to you for a minute I need you advice.
Jesminda: what's up pez?

Jadey: what's up pezza?

Pezza: well it's mine and Leigh's 3 year anniversary and she keeps going on about weddings and proposals Jesminda are you happy to have the dogs

Jadey: oh my god pezza that's big I can't wait to see her reaction well if you need help with the dogs I can have them if you want

Jesminda: that's alright 5 dogs should be alright your going to Greece right

Pezza: yeah thanks for looking after the dogs I hope the tickets come love ya girls jes will drop the dogs round tomorrow

Jesminda: no worries babe have a good time see you when you get back

Hey baby leigh was laying on the sofa watching stranger things the dogs were in their beds hatchi decided that he was having McDonald's in his bed I rolled my eyes how does he do it I laughed at leigh yeah he goes through the bins and drags it to his bed I will sort it out later I can't be bothered can i sit down babe i laughed she cuddled up to me laying on my lap which was a guarantee that was an instant hard on i reached round my girl and slipped my hand into her joggers I kissed her and I found her panties wet I slipped it further into her panties cupping her bare pussy which earned Leigh a moan baby I'm meant to be catching up on stranger things I know but I wanted to give you a surprise considering it's our anniversary in two days time I kissed her I started pumping in and out of her pussy with baby pleaseee Perrie I'm going to cum I thought about it no what she whined what's my name Perrie she moaned no try again I laughed still pumping my fingers in and out feeling her tightning around my fingers please daddy let me cum she moaned that's better I whispered in her ear kissing her lips she forgot all about strangers things as she pulled my joggers down and started pumping me I moaned loudly LEIGH please she licked my tip pre cum and I deep throat her getting ready to cum for her to swallow my cum down her throat and I pushed my cock into her tight warm pussy and she was clenching around my cock i released my load into her you are amazing as I pulled out of her I took carried her to bed

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