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Oh my god I actually can't wait our remix of confetti is coming out on Friday the music video is epic but I've noticed Perrie has gone down hill again mentally.

"Leigh is pez ok?" Jade asked

She was very quite I know something is definitely wrong I don't know what it could be

"I don't know jadey" I said

She looked at me worried I sighed I know pez has been through a lot in general "hey guys" Perrie said excitedly but it wasn't it was a fake happy

"Yeahhh" jade said slowly looking at me

Perrie sat down and patted to her lap "baby you have to use words" i laughed

"Fine can you come and sit on my lap please?" she replied

"Hmm I don't know" I said jade laughed at the pout she was giving me she looks like Amelia when she wants something

We all said goodbye to each other jade went to meet Jordan and we drove back home "are you ok babe" I asked

She nodded looking at the ground "pez talk to me" I said

"I can't" she whispered barley audible

"Sure you can" I whispered at her level of voice

"I have had enough I've made my mind up" she whispered

I looked at her confused "what is it babe" I replied

I was scared what will come out of her mouth which I have a feeling what's going to come out but I'm not prepared for it I myself don't know what to do

"I want to die" she whispered

I knew it there she said it I'm not angry with her I could never be angry with her

"Babe these are the voices telling you that" I replied

"No there not they are right I'm worthless I don't deserve to be on this planet I just want to be free like a bird not to be tied down" she whispered again in that same voice but with tears in her eyes

"Pez babe look at me" I said

She looked at me "you do deserve to be on this planet what would me and the kids do without you, I wouldn't cope ever and the kids growing up without a mum pez these voices they mean nothing" she interrupted me before I could finish

"Wait can you see them the man over there" she whispered pointing over my shoulder I looked over

"There's no one there babe" i said

She started scratching at her neck "babe stop it's ok" I cried getting freaked out  she couldn't hear me and she was bleeding at her neck where she's scratching

"Leigh stop he's coming to get you" she shouted

I didn't know what to do I was stuck she got out the car before I could call her back there was a smack

"Oh my god" I yelled and ran out the car there was blood a lot of blood there were sirens police and paramedics

My whole body went numb we went into the ambulance we got to the hospital and Perrie got taken away

Lerrie: get weird to present Where stories live. Discover now