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Wow this girl is amazing her stamina this baby making is definitely a go really wanted to give her another child i want my girl to be happy we have been in lock down so we are all good trying to i woke up to leigh not being there I thought she would be sorting Amelia out i went to check and Amelia was still in her bed fast asleep with travis and Harvey hatchi and kyro were snuggled up in their own beds i finally found leigh babe are you alright you weren't in bed or with Amelia or doing training aw babe as i sat behind her as she threw up she cuddled into my lap after she had finished can i kiss you she asked me i suppose the bonus of not being able to smell may not have its perks go and brush your teeth babe then i will she laughed at me and i will take Amelia and the dogs for a walk and can get a test if you want babe she nodded she in the movie room with the stars and the dogs leigh explained i nodded now get tucked up in bed i kissed her forehead i love you babe i whispered to her i love you to
Amelia babe we are going out mummy's ill and we have to get some bits. It was the most eventful walk ever trying to buy a test with out Amelia knowing i had all four dogs with me i may need to call jade or jesy to take Amelia and the dogs to the park why did i not think of that jesy said she was in the area so it didn't take her that long she had reggie and Oscar with her so I'm sure four more and a child can't be that bad right?

Jesminda I shouted auntie jesy Amelia ran to hug her you alright sweet jesminda can you take them to the park please i begged her erm is this why you called for me i nodded why she asked me well i need to get something from the shop I said let me guess you got leigh pregnant noooooo i longed out pez what have i told you about lying alright fine yes she maybe i need to get a test she is currently in bed throwing her guts up i ran to the chemist and got what i needed and came back sorted jes said with that mam look on her face which i need to practise with Amelia, Leighs very good at doing it i cant I'm useless at it

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