Leigh anne

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Babe it hurts i was currently 7 months pregnant we have been through a lot of the cravings my mood swings we were laying in bed and pez was still sleeping she's dead to the world.

I forgot its been a time jump we are having a baby girl its so hard as we have been having promotions for our new album glory days and we really want to announce our daughter but I'm apprehensive about bringing her into the world of social media my sister sairah coming round which means having to get perrie up i decided to heave myself into the shower little one is getting heavy a few more months i whispered we were going to call her Amelia Louise Edwards we named her Amelia after jade and Louise after jesys middle name as well as perries we decided that I'm going to take perries last name as perrie is like the guy in the relationship.

I decided i need to make some noise as sairah has just texted me saying she's on her way which isn't far from ours perrie babe wake up hmmm she grumbled sairah is going to be here with Kailum perrie please as i pulled the duvet off her kyro started barking are you serious perrie moaned come on shift i threw a pillow at her i laughed stroking my belly Amelia keeps moving around KYRO SHUT UP I shouted hello i hugged her hey buddy kailum smiled hey auntie leigh and hey amelia he was talking to the baby so where's perrie then still in her pit sairah laughed no I'm here as she carried hatchi and sat down cuddling into me and good morning to you to rubbing my belly I felt Amelia kick pez its not morning sairah laughed hmmm true she smirked  kailum was playing with the dogs.

It was about two hours later sairah and kailum had left and it was just me and pez wrapped up on the sofa and i noticed Amelia was sitting funny babe are you alright perrie asked yyyyeahh ow there was water great I've pissed myself then i felt I'm guessing what is contractions babbbbeee itttt really hurts fucckkkkkk we called for an ambulance

At hospital:

We done it we have our baby girl i whispered to perrie I know the best day of my life perrie replied kissing me on the forehead

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