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We sat watching frozen we managed to get through to jesy and she put my mind at rest jade and leigh were right about my over thinking i was currently sat watching Amelias favourite film she was very cute with her frozen pyjamas and toys around her shes so cute it would be great to have another child if it did happen i was cuddling leigh hatchi had his gorilla toy which I'm surprised at considering olaf.

I turned to kiss leigh and she ran out the room

"Mammy whats wrong with mummy" she asked

"I dont know sweet" i replied

She nodded i gave her some sweets and went to find leigh when i heard her being sick

"Babe, you ok that was random" i asked in concern

"I think i...... i...... I'm pregnant" she stuttered

My heart jumped with excitement over the next few days was hard i got some hate from mixers that its my fault jesy left that i should drop dead to bring jesy back jesys the better singer i blocked out the hate by channeling myself into gaming i had enough of this.

I had hatchi on my lap while leigh was looking after amelia when i heard throwing up again constantly, "babe I'm going out  Amelias down stairs, i love you" i shouted kissing my girl i heard a weak i love you back.

Hatchi came with me as he loves a drive i love driving around clear my head i decided to get my girl a pregnancy test hatchi had his olaf normally he sits in the back but today he was very excited because he can see everything.

"Babe I'm home" i shouted i went upstairs Amelia was in bed shit didn't realise how long i was.

"Sorry babe i got you something" i smiled at her

"It's ok babe , are you ok beaut? What is it" she kissed me
"Yeah I'm ok babe" i showed her the pregnancy test
She looked at me so excited really hoping it's positive

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