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My pezza ive missed her as Jesy dropped me back home I couldn't find my keys hopefully perries not in bed so I knocked and heard Kyro barking I heard shut up Kyro bless her she looked shattered hey baby I smirked her face was a  picture she ran and jumped on me I've missed you so much she said in between kisses she's so cute when she's soppy she carried me upstairs she threw me on to the bed ugh kissing kissing me I felt her twitching above me I switch positions shall we give Amelia a brother or sister as I unzipped her jeans rubbing her boxers with pez whining under me feeling so good I have the power baby I whispered kissing me fishing her cock out mmmmm baby as I started jerking her off she started kissing my lips moving down on my neck sucking on my sweet spot groping my boobs your turning me on did you wank babe while you were on tour she asked me as we shredded the rest of my clothing I could feel myself gushing out while she was jerking off kissing her is the best soft lips and it's been such a long time I've been away from her

March 2020:
Pez the country has gone into lock down I said to her oh great I hope tour still goes ahead she replied kissing me I highly doubt it babe I said what songs have we got left to finish break up song, confetti, sweet melody and my love won't let you down.

Mummy mummy I rolled my eyes yes darling my three year old shouted at me I have snack she asked in the sweetest voice Perrie looked at me she knows what she wants pez whispered in my ear hmmmmm what do you say plsssssss and she battered her eyelashes at me she's learnt from the master aye Leigh you are joking right pez I don't do that I whined ohh I think you find that you do she laughed.

Babe we have an interview on the one show tonight do you wanna set the computer up she said ohhh so you can't do it babe I replied noooooo I heard well pez hate to break it to you neither can I so what we going to do i said face time Jesy she laughed pez we can't go running to Jesy all the time I said butttttttt she whined no let me sort it out we have got an hour to work it out I said as I went into the study where we normally do our interviews when it's either me or pez and the other keeps Amelia and the dogs entertained although this ones going to be an interesting one as we are both doing the interview.

Interview: BBC one show 7:30
Are you ready babe I asked asked me I sure am she replied I gave her a kiss

Alex: welcome to the one show with me and Matt Baker we have an exciting show lined up for you we have the girls from little mix jesy nelson Leighanne pinnock jade thirlwall and perrie Edwards we have Ant Middleton and Gareth malone first up we have the girls from little mix
Live stream
Alex: hello girls how are you guys coping with self isolation
Jade: well I am  doing everything we can I mean we have a lot to keep us going so that's all good
Jesy: yeah it's been crazy finding new stuff to learn
Leigh: it has been an experience it has bought me and Perrie closer together and we have Amelia with us and the dogs so it's entertaining
Alex: so your new single dropped on Friday
Perrie: yeah the support from mixers have been amazing i believe it is number one in a few countries
Jesy: yeah pez is right the support has been amazing all the mixers getting involved and making isolation fun
Leigh: it has been fun and it's so nice to get the response off the mixers in such a terrible time
Alex: so girls can you give anything away about the new album
Jade: we aren't giving much away but it is completely different from the rest of our music so it will be very exciting times
Alex: we have also noticed that you girls have used different social media platforms your new one is TikTok I believe you perrie and Jade have got it will you get it jesy

Jade: we do have challenges i do challenge the girls we have also found that our younger audience use it so it is a boost we have had a chat with jesy we have tried convincing her but watch this space
Leigh: yeah we have been trying to get jes involved it is a slow process
Jesy: hey girls stop ganging up on me it's no fair edwards it's not funny
Alex: so perrie you started the break up song challenge on TikTok how has it been
Perrie: the support like jade has said has been amazing yeah it was when we all FaceTimed and came up with the routine then me and leigh put it on our TikTok and it's grown from there
Alex: so girls how hard was the stairs on TikTok
Perrie: well it took me ages to learn it as I thought I was going to fall when leigh knew it straight away
Alex: ok girls we have a challenge for you all you have to go into your kitchens and try to make the best cocktail you have five minutes
Five minutes later
Alex: let's see what the girls have made
Jes: a non alcoholic thing I have no idea what it is to be honest
Leigh: i made a moijto it didn't help with pez pushing me out the way
Jade: i tried to make a sex on the beach
Perrie: see babe mine was simple jäger bomb
Jade: that is so you pez it's unbelievable first off that is not a cocktail so you broke the rules second you cheated
Jes: thank you jadey for clearing that up you are such a cheat how do you cope leighly
Leigh Anne : i honestly have no Idea jes I cant cope with her see this is what i call cheating
Perrie: oi i won this  game fair and square and I would like to point out they do it in spoons on a night out a pitcher jäger bomb so I win
Jade: behave pez
Perrie: ugh  I'm out
*barking* hatchi be quite i said sorry guys i have to go don't forget keep streaming keep doing what you are doing love you all stay at home and stay safe
Alex: thanks perrie so leigh tell me how's it like with perrie in the house
Leigh: i love her to bits i mean we have our moments like any other couple but we stay at home keep each other safe and find stuff to do
Alex: thank you so much girls for coming on was very entertaining 
End of interview

Pez ive got you something I was going to give it to you before the interview what have you and Amelia been asking for no way a puppy ahhhhhhhhhh I smile came to my face as I saw my girls face light up:

Pez ive got you something I was going to give it to you before the interview what have you and Amelia been asking for no way a puppy ahhhhhhhhhh I smile came to my face as I saw my girls face light up:

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Perrieedwards: my beautiful fiancé gave into me and Amelia everyone meet travis

Leighanne and 200,000" others liked this.

Jadethirlwall: no way @leighannepinnock you gave on you massive softy 😂😂😂😂

Leighannepinnock: I know @jadethirlwall what can I say the puppy dog eyes were getting unbearable.

Jesynelson: aww @perrieedwards    and @leighannepinnock he is adorable who gave travis his name.

Perrieedwards: @jesynelson that was Amelia said he looked like a travis
debbieedwards: great another dog to look after @perrieedwards

Leighannepinnock: sorry @debbieedwards the puppy dog eyes were unbelievable

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