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I love my fiancé but really hate her as Kyro was barking which means he's interrupting mine and Leigh's time so she made do and chucked me her panties as I have a feeling it's the girls so that means I morning wank on my own.
As I finished off I decided to get dressed hatchi and Harvey were play fighting stop it you two as I pushed them apart pez babe I heard my fiancé call me yeah i replied back jade and Jesy she said oh hey guys I came in giving them a hug how was Greece Jesy asked amazing shall we tell them I winked at Leigh tell us what jade questioned mmm I don't know babe leigh laughed please they whined together ok then she gave in so me and Perrie are going to be mums leigh said cuddled into my chest scared of their reaction OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS? Jade shouted hugging us Jesy nodded approvingly but wait she said I was scared what I asked well Simon cowell She sighed I know what are we going to do leigh cried into my chest we haven't had a meeting yet about the engagement at all and he's not going to be happy that you put it all over social media either Jesy added I sighed I hate this it does my head why can't we be together properly

I know babe Jesy and jade gave us a hug we have to go and see him jade looked at her phone soon we can break from him

At simons office
Girls he said sternly I held Leigh's hand under the table what is this all about with you two being engaged talking to us before we could speak jade piped up can't you see that they love each other you daft get we all looked at her not expecting it to come out of her mouth.

He ignored jades comment there better not be any more bomb shells you want to drop it's you career and that's final he gave leigh even more of a dirty look why are you doing this don't give her those looks you treat Leigh different to the rest of us I asked no I don't he snapped end of the meeting go and prepare for your next tour.

At mine and Leigh's house
Well that was intense Jesy said your telling me I laughed what we going to do about our nugget I asked it will be fine over sized clothes exist and we have to keep everything out of the public eye if we start writing now and won't start touring till summer which means leigh will have nugget in the Easter then we can chill Jesy explained ok deal leigh you alright with that I asked I guess so she replied hugging into me oh and Perrie keep your dick in your boxers jade laughed  haha true leigh laughed kissing me


Jadethirlwall: annoying @perrieedwards and @leighannepinnock while song writing also with the amazing @jesynelson love you all

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Jadethirlwall: annoying @perrieedwards and @leighannepinnock while song writing also with the amazing @jesynelson love you all

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