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Wow was not expecting twins i guess its true what they say about not thinking to much because it could be a better ending which it has done i think me and pez seem to be in a better mental head space.

I mean jes spoke to pez and they seem to be better shes still getting hate and blamed for the cause of jesy leaving even though jesy had said its to do with her mental health.

We have started to get ideas for the twins room as well as brainstorming names its been fun we have had input from jesy and jade so its bee quite fun on zoom with a few "glasses" of wine when Amelias in bed.

" hey babe whats going on in that beautiful mind" pez asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Was just thinking we need to start designing the twins room, i mean we have Amelias room on the first floor ours on the second cinema room next to Amelias i mean there's the spare room next to Amelias so all the kids are all on one floor" i laughed

"Oh babe i love your thinking that means the kids wont hear us when we get all romantic" pez laughed

"Something like that" i replied

So we Amelia was with her teddies in the living room with most of the dogs think missing one dont actually know where kyro is which makes me laugh as he sits by the window and whenever anyone comes to the door he barks then sets everyone off.

"Babe i was thinking shall we do an announcement on instagram then after breakfast can take the dogs and Amelia for a walk to the park if you want some alone time" pez asked

"Pez babe what are you after letting me have some alone time dont normally get that" i laughed

"Well its February babe the twins will be here soon and i will do you an extra deal that i can go and buy the stuff for the room" she replied

Fuck ive now realised why shes doing this Valentine day is coming up normally I'm so organised well compared to pez i am jades the most organised out of all of us.

"Ok babe let me give you a list as ive got some bits coming for the room any way on ikea so will be alright" i replied

Pez made breakfast which i was shocked as she dont normally unless she guilty or wants something so either way its going to be intresting

"Pez babe going to ring management on the announcement" i said kissing my girls

30 minutes later

"Pez babe come here" i asked kissing her

"Ruben Louie Edwards, and Halley Edwards" i suggested

"Oh my god i love those names they are cute or shall we just have Ruben Edwards" she questioned

"Can do babe ive got some stuff coming soon for the room which means your going to have fun with d.i.y" i laughed kissing her and giving her a squeeze through her jeans.

"I hate you so much sometimes" she whined

Knowing I have the power to turn her on is the best feeling jesy would always ask me how i do it little fact thats how power got wrote due to perrie getting turned on so much while writing that song she knows i have the final say.


Leighannepinnock: would like to make an announcement my beautiful other half @perrieedwards and I are pleased to announce we are expecting another to children they are a boy and a girl called Ruben Edwards and Halley Edwards we are very excited re...

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Leighannepinnock: would like to make an announcement my beautiful other half @perrieedwards and I are pleased to announce we are expecting another to children they are a boy and a girl called Ruben Edwards and Halley Edwards we are very excited ready for new challenges.

Perrieedwards, jadethirlwall and 200,000 others like this


Perrieedwards: very excited love you babe your to cute cant wait to see my beautiful children we do create so beautiful babies

Jesynelson: congratulations dorks we dont need any more lerrie children love you @perrieedwards and @leighannepinnock

Jadethirlwall: congratulations @Perrieedwards what have we said before and @leighannepinnock 4 children and 4 dogs are going to be entertaining

dpinnock63: congratulations @leighannepinnock and @perrieedwards cant wait to meet my grandson and daughter beautiful name

Debbieedwards: congratulations 4 children is going to be hard @leighannepinnock and beautiful names.

I had to deal with one sulky "child"

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