Leigh Anne

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Leighannepinnock: so @perrieedwards and me want to welcome to the world our little girl Amelia Louise Edwards we don't want to bring her to into our world of social media but she is the most beautiful girl ever and guess what break away from being...

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Leighannepinnock: so @perrieedwards and me want to welcome to the world our little girl Amelia Louise Edwards we don't want to bring her to into our world of social media but she is the most beautiful girl ever and guess what break away from being mummy and date night with my better half love you all we have a mini mixer in the making L x

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Comment section:
Jadethirlwall: I am so happy for you girls finally announced our baby Amelia definitely a mini mixer ❤️

Jesynelson: so happy for you girls been along time coming love you Amelia my mini mixer 😍

Perrieedwards: my baby girl finally announced to the mixers my munchkin is number one mixer her and hatchi are best friends love you @leighannepinnock x

Hello beautiful Perrie wrapped her arms around me well hello daddy I whispered nibbling at her ear knowing it's a turn on point for her we finally announced Amelia I feel so relieved I sighed yeah definitely we have had a lot of positive comments a few hate saying I shouldn't give birth but I'm ignoring the hate.
Next evening
We were writing lyrics for our new album lm5 Jesy and jade came round Amelia was tucked up in bed  our you drinking babe Perrie asked me hmmm no just encase of Amelia I replied.  She nodded and allowed me to cuddle her you two are so soppy Jesy laughed Hatchi was on her lap while Harvey was on jades and Kyro sat near me and Perrie  because he's such a lump how does this sound how could you fall for a women like me jade asked ohhhhh that's good how did I manage to get so lucky aye Perrie laughed kissing me on the lips which resulted in gagging from jade and Jesy and Hatchi decided he had enough of Jesy which broke the gagging and decided to jump up into perries lap and settled down

3 hours later
We got the majority of the album done hopefully Simon can approve and then we will be almost there almost out of his clutches only 6 months and counting

It was the first of July which means touring starts on the 3rd not long all though it's going to be a long tour as we are going every where and guess what We were finally out of simons clutches hmm that sounds like  a good song "I don't do what Simon says
Get the message 'cause it's read
That's just life it never plays fair
Said to follow any dream
Be a puppet on a string
Works for you but that isn't me" I wrote it down in my lyric book
Perrie and I were getting ready for Lm5 tour we've been doing loads of promos and some fun games while Amelia was growing up so fast we got her off breast milk which means Perrie doesn't get turned on even though she never admitted it I knew secretly and I'm not telling her I was packing the last bits making sure Perrie didn't forget anything Debbie and Ellie were coming to look after Amelia. Mummy Amelia came bounding in with a Hatchi and Harvey peassss don't gooooo she whined oh sweetie we have to go part of our job I'm sure you can come and see us on tour and guess what baby we are always in here a pointed to her chest I said hey hey hey what's all the fuss Perrie came in wearing black skinny jeans she looked so hot Jesus I couldn't cope her bulge.

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