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The meeting went really well hopefully we can get our new label and to get out of Simon Cowells clutches and we can express ourselves. We were currently sitting in the back of the car pez and i then jesy was driving and jade was sitting in the front shall we go to the cinema jade asked jesy nodded Lerrie are you in jes added bubba i asked pez well mams got amelia and it will be our first time off in what feels like ages yeah we are in she shouted pez right here i laughed rubbing my ear as i curled into perrie as we parked up jade wanted to go into the Cheesecake Factory i had a whimper from perrie as she held my hand i dont like cheesecake she whispered i know babe just try i replied having to contain myself from rolling my eyes.

We decided to watch beauty and the beast the new live action and as perrie quotes Emma Watson is fit but if she was to get a erection it will be because of me not because of some actress  in a movie no disrespect i do agree she is fit but with my girl she's mine and i get jealous.

In the cinema it went me pez jade then jes was relieved that i was on the end because i can have fun with pez as the film got going perrie was fidgeting as Emma Watson started singing she pulled me into her chest which i took to advantage of letting my hands wonder down her body i cupped her crotch seriously she gave me a look then back to the film but she opened her legs slightly apart i could feel her slightly harder does she turn you on like i do she shook her head no she whispered good as i moved my hand to her joggers cupping her boxers.

The film went on more i still had my hand down her joggers cupping her bulge but i wasn't playing that much just rubbing her now and then I wasn't going to do much leave her to teasing till we get back but then it will be back to reality 3 dogs and Amelia.

That was such a good film perrie and jade exclaimed me and jesy just rolled our eyes as we are not massive Disney fans but we cope with our girls well i put up with a lot from pez where as me and jesy are more horror films but i cant watch them unless I'm round jesys or have my headphones in as we dont want to corrupt Amelias mind quite yet.

At home

We said good bye to jes and jade hey baby i kissed perrie on the lips what the fuck was that about in the cinema she laughed dont know what your talking about i replied as i turned the key into the lock KYRO SHUT UP i shouted hey girls how did the meeting go Debbie asked yeah was interesting we have to wait for their decision on whether they take us on or not perrie said and i went to take Amelia from Debbie as she curled into my arms her little hands pulled at my top slightly aww what's the matter I cooed she pulled again she's too cute knowing she wanted a feed least we are not out in public do get some weird looks when i breastfeed Amelia mooo pez and i looked up what was that pez asked it's Amelia Debbie said what's wrong with her perrie asked moooo came again Amelia said her first word.

Lerrie: get weird to present Where stories live. Discover now