Leigh anne

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It had been a very busy day with filming for our new single holiday we now have filming for the search tomorrow which is an early start and i have to deal with 3 dogs and a toddler pez seems to be more horny than ever which doesnt surprise me
We finally got home we were greeted by Amelia I'm surprised the dogs didn't come running normally they get more excited mummy my daughter ran and hugged my waisteven when i was cooking i heard my girls mucking around with the dog oh i wish i could join in but tea needed doing Amelia is a very fussy child which i have to cook two meals although tonight we are going to try something different cook my favourite of natchoes which hopefully Amelia will eat owwwww i heard from the room what's going on i question as i walk into the room I tried not to laugh perrie clutching her crotch Amelia watching peppa pig and the dogs curled up what's happened babe i questioned her it hurts i shook my head laughing did she jump on you again and pez nodded well what have i told you about mucking around with her i sighed then you don't get broken i added

Well dinner went down well I mean Amelia ate her food which is a shock i guess she's like her mummy and Natchos pez laughed mmmmm i hummed it tastes really good babe she added baring in mind pez cant smell so goes on taste

A few hours later we got Amelia to bed and hatchi had stolen olaf again pez came in you alright babe how we going to stop hatchi from stealing Amelia's Olaf i know babe but less talk and more as she pulled my hand down her shorts babe stop let's go she dragged me to our room.

Next day
Babe get up same routine everyday jes texted me to see if we were up we are filming parts of the search lucky we had all the auditions pretty much sorted apart from one but my current challenge is getting my beautiful fiancé up at the moment babe cars here she actually threw on some clothes to be honest she looked fucking fit I'm actually surprise there's not a second baby yet on the way.

We got to the studio and pez had her hand on my thigh err not any higher i whispered as we sat on the couch waiting for the last auditions for the series before the lives.

Lunch time rolled around quickly I'm going to face time Ellie i said wanting to check on our daughter ok babe while leaving jesy pez and jade.

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