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I went up stairs to pack while leigh chilled I can't believe she accused me of cheating but to be honest i would have done the same i went my bedside table and took out the box and put it in my bag i then went to Leighs chest of draws and searching for the desired object knowing she would enjoy it will be awkward if security would open it and find something they shouldn't babe cabs here leigh shouted  just coming i shouted grabbing my bag and hers I'm so excited for this holiday.

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Perrieedwards: enjoying Greece with my girl @leighannepinnock

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Perrieedwards: enjoying Greece with my girl @leighannepinnock

It's been an amazing first day we were chilling tanning by the pool the girls are going to be so jealous i had the proposal ready i dont know how Leighs going to react I noticed that she's was being sick more i decided to go and buy a pregnancy test I cant wait to be a mam if she is pregnant because she been acting weird and she's been eating some weird food one minute she's riding me and I'm getting laid the next she's wanting to cuddle how can someone change from riding me like a mad women to cute and innocent.

We were cuddling in the hotel room leigh was a bit burnt from the sun babe can i ask you something please dont get angry with me I pleaded yeah sure she replied do you think you maybe pregnant? I asked her I'm sorry pez i didn't mean to keep it from you I'm sorry i was scared that you would leave me threaten of leaving the band babe stop i interrupt I'm not mad I'm so excited if its positive so i bought  you a test are you angry i asked no baby I'm excited she replied.

Are you ready babe leigh took the test she didn't mind as i have seen her do much more than her pissing herself are you ready baby she crawled into my lap I kissed her head whatever happens it will be ok i love you babe i said falling in love with this girl everyday ok baby are you ready to look babe its time i asked oh my god I'm so happy those eight letters we were having a family i scream hugging my girl

next day
Ok baby we are going out its my time to ask the biggest question of my life blind fold my girl she was wearing a lose fitting top and shorts looking very hot if i say so myself I'm ok babe be careful as she stepped on to the boat i got myself in position absolutely bricking it ok babe take your blind fold off she took it off and almost cried i got down on one knee shaking all over.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock, wow what can i say well first of I'm proud to call you my girlfriend but the problem is that girlfriend as an end in the word and i dont ever want us to be an end i want us to be together grow old i mean we already have a child on the way and i cant be more than happier to have a child with you and the way you carry on without any complaint looking after me and the dogs and soon our child you have achieved so much i love you so will you be my happy ever after and will you marry me?

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