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I love our kids so much they are so cute our family is so perfect I told Perrie that three kids is enough as I don't think my body could take any more children

I was laying in bed as Perrie was next to me arm thrown over my stomach little mix is great but it's hard work and everything in the public eye I mean even the kids being in the spot light

We have got the studio tomorrow for our songs since Jesy left which I think Perrie and Jesy seemed to have put differences aside.

However I've got a feeling that in our fandom mixers have bad blood i mean jesys happy and we are happy why can't people see that

I heard barks from the kids room and cry's it's either Hatchi Amelia and Olaf or something else.

I removed perries arm and went to investigate what was going on Ruben had a Donald Duck toy that jade gave him when he was born it was gone

Oh for fuck sake not this again I went to the prime suspect of Hatchi he was in his basket chewing his gorilla I shook my head.

The next I went to Amelia's room Kyro was currently laying on her bed at a strange angle but typical dog so it wasn't him

It's either travis or Harvey I went into the twins room I picked Halley up and she cuddled into me and im desperately trying to figure out who has the toy as well Ruben has perries sleeping habits as he cry's wakes himself up then falls back asleep I chuckled to myself.

I heard another bark so I put Halley down and went to investigate what the hell was going on as I'm so fucking tired I want to back to bed wait what the fuck when I saw who was on our bed with Rubens toy

"Oh for fuck sake............" I whispered

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