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We were cuddling and jes did you want to sleep over tonight yeah she nodded as leigh gave jes something to change into i went to check on Amelia all four dogs were in her room i was shocked hatchi was sleeping with his own olaf which means i prove leigh wrong and i win the bet.

So we finally finished the search which is one less thing to worry about however we have got the emmes to deal with and jes is not going to be being there is hard we both had a feeling something wrong jade was getting cosy with Jordan i mean we are both happy for her especially when its been a long time since Jed.

Jesy seems to have got a new boyfriend but not telling us Amelia is growing up so fast babe she broke me out of my thoughts yeah babe as we were cuddling she was resting her head on my chest can i ask you a question? Yeah babe i asked her do you want to try again properly we haven't had much time to be baby making.

What i love about my girl is she checks on my mental health especially on my outburst at jesy on the search "I know we haven't had much time" i said i mean lets get the emmies out the way then I'm all yours she laughed i nodded sounds like a plan i smiled.

We got Ellie to baby sit Amelia as we got prepared for the emmes jes was still not back which was concerning i have a bad feeling about this jes has been quite with all of us.

Babe you alright whats going on it that beautiful mind ? leigh asked me kissing me as we went to the studio.

Yeah babe just worried about jes do you think its my fault that shes not speaking to any of us? i asked

Babe its not your fault that jes is being quite i think she needs some space to work out what she wants i think she wants out of little mix leigh said kissing me.

Yeah but did i set her off on one i dont want the mixers to think its my fault that if she did leave i kissed her back

Babe your over thinking again what have i told you about over thinking she laughed

Imagine you naked i laughed

Well thats if you want a hard on you will have to deal with another problem she smirked squeezing my thigh.

Jadey you ok babe leigh asked i gave a weak smile

Yeah are you ok pezza she asked me i told jade the whole story babe it will be fine Leigh's right its not your fault jes just needs time and your overthinking jade laughed

Yeah are you ok pezza she asked me i told jade the whole story babe it will be fine Leigh's right its not your fault jes just needs time and your overthinking jade laughed

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Perrieedwards: guess who won at the ema 2 awards proud of us girls thank you mixers for voting had so much fun hosting with @leighannepinnock and @jadethirlwall

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Well dont you look fit miss pinnock i kissed her i smirked

Ewww get a room you two jade smirked she threw a pillow at us so i threw it back

Leigh and i were laying in bed hatchi and harvey were in Amelia's room we had a travis in the bed and kyro was in his bed.

Leigh was laying on my chest well that was successful aye babe i said

Yeah bubba definitely babe try not to over think with jes baby girl as she kissed me

Hummm under my breath she leaned up to kiss me i love you babe.

I love you to as we fell asleep i couldnt sleep so i untangled myself from my leigh and checked on Amelia hatchi looked up and followed me come on then bubba as we sat on the balcony he jumped on my lap.

Hatch we will be alright i just feel so guilty that it was my fault that jesy would leave the band hatch as i snuggled into his fur

Hatch we will be alright i just feel so guilty that it was my fault that jesy would leave the band hatch as i snuggled into his fur

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Perrieedwards: late night thinking with @hatchisgreatadventure

Jadethirlwall, jesynelson and 13,000 other liked this

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I heard soft foot steps pez babe you over thinking again babe she asked me i nodded it will be ok i promise can i sit on your lap she questioned i nodded hatch off i added he jumped off and he went find his olaf toy.

I had the best fiancé best friends and will have to ask jes about it i love you leigh i kissed her

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