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So leigh as made me go on a fitness plan with a company to collaborate with as she has her bikini brand so she's told me that i need to work out more the company i have supreme nutrition me and exercise do not go together i walked into our gym and my god my girl looks so fit its unbelievable mummy's hurt what baby mummy's hurt she repeated babe there's blood i cant babe it hurts oh fuck i drove her to the hospital whats happening i asked  the doctors we cant let you in mam i was pacing up and down i couldnt talk to no one i felt sick blood always means a bad thing we are really sorry for your loss your baby is dead my world came crashing down.

Leigh babe you ok she nodded come here give me a hug her tears fell down soaking my hoodie i dont care our baby dead we have a little girl at home babe i know we do she replied aw beautiful girl.

It was weird Leigh's been strange how she's being she spends more time in the gym just getting everything out of her system i let her do it her own way mammy whats with mummy she asked well mummy's feeling very sad at the moment we should do something for mummy she gave me an idea shall we do some pretty art that i know you can do she nodded.

Leigh finished her work out she came in I'm sorry I've been off with you babe had to deal with it in my own way its ok i kissed her it was hard for both of us to deal with i just look after the dogs and our little girl.

Go and have a shower you stink haha i laughed of course babe want to come how could i say no i smirked i double checked that Amelia was happy in the movie room with all four I'm surprised kyro hadn't started but it was cute you ok baby i asked yes mammy watching peppa like you say i laughed.

Is she alright leigh asked yeah she was watching peppa with the dogs and they all seem comfortable as we both got into the shower can you wash me she asks me of course babe i smirked kissing her shoulders she pushed back against me getting turned on mmmm babe i can feel you getting hard baby i know babe are you sure your ready she nodded i kissed her neck when she pushed against my groin.

Mummy mammy Amelia shouted oh for fuck sake let me guess hatchi and olaf again i laughed getting out the shower putting on my fresh pair of boxers and sports bra babe get changed properly she said yes I'm going.

Mammy she cried whats up sweetie i asked olaf hatchi you and me are going to have a massive fall out in a minute he barked at me shut your pie hole you right hatch i have you something i said what is it mammy no sweet its for hatchi look she laughed i showed her the toy hopefully he wont steal yours. i showed her travis's toy harvey had his toy pig and kyro has his tug of war toy that he loves just hatchi is not satisfied with his which happens to be Amelia's.

I decide to start cooking dinner normally leigh does the dinner but i was treating her so she can relax you ok babe she came down yeah babe cooking tea tonight i replied so what was the crying about hatchi again with his toy i got him a new one so hopefully it will stop

Instagram post:

Perrieedwards: so mr hatchi stole Amelia's toy again take two and got him his own toy thats not Olaf may prove @leighannepinnock wrong

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Perrieedwards: so mr hatchi stole Amelia's toy again take two and got him his own toy thats not Olaf may prove @leighannepinnock wrong

Leighannepinnock and 400, others like this

Jadethirlwall: @perrieedwards this is going to be interesting he looks happy at the moment.

Jesynelson: good luck girls going to be fun
Leighannepinnock: he seems happy at the moment and no upset child yet touch wood
Perrieedwards: @leighannepinnock bet you wanna touch my wood 😉
Leighannepinnock: you are so filthy minded and not for instagram

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