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I woke up to the bed empty I was getting up I promise leigh normally gets up first sorts the kids out and a lay about until I can be bothered or Leigh drags me out of bed.

We have had a shit time people leaking our music and by the way it's not me before you judge I know I'm the queen of leaking things but it wasn't me.

"Pezza get up we need to go studio Ellie's coming to look after the kids" leigh said

I didn't even realise she came up she crawled up the bed kissing my lips "hmm beautiful" I smiled into the kiss

"Come on lazy get up" she laughed

"But babe......" I said looking down didn't realise I had a boner ugh for fuck sake

"Pezza really" she laughed raising an eyebrow

You will never guess what happened she touched my cock then pulled away

"Come on you need get up and we will need to keep an eye Harvey he's turning into a Hatchi" she said

"Why what's he done" I questioned

"Well he's stolen Rubens toy" she laughed

"Oh no not another one" I smirked

"now are you going to sort me out or am I going to have to do it myself" i added laughing at her

"We don't have time babe" she smirked

"But how am I meant to "deal with it" I asked almost crying because I need some sort of release

"Ugh fine" I smirked

I jumped in the shower ready to see jadey in the studio

"BUT I WANT TO COME" Amelia shouted

Fucking hell my kid never shuts up ever I came downstairs to the shouting.

"Don't shout at me" Leigh replied to Amelia

"Hey babe what's going on?" I asked

"Amelia wants to come to the studio with us" leigh sighed

As Kyro barked which was a sign that Ellie had arrived

While Leigh was talking to Ellie Amelia came and cuddled into my side I wanted her to come but cant go against leigh

"Baby girl you can't come with us you will get bored and I want you to be a good girl and look after Ruben and Halley also I need you to look after auntie smelly" I laughed

Bless her she puffed her chest out and said "I will mammy" She gave me a cuddle

"Babe are you ready to go?" Leigh asked

I nodded "wait babe why Amelia not whining about not coming with us" she asked

I tapped my nose  "see you, kids bye Ells" I shouted

We were ready to hit the studio

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