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Leigh has been a real rock for me over the last few months but its been hard for her to look after me and the kids it almost i have know motivation to do anything just almost feels laying in bed is the best option but I can't I have to help leigh with the kids its not fair on her plus we have a lot of promos to do with little mix not that I want to leave i cant leave everyone needs me.

"Hey babe, you ok?, you seem very quite what you thinking ?"leigh asked breaking me out of my thoughts i love her so much can i lie no not really ive learnt she can see right thorough me we have been together for 9 years so she should know me inside like jade and jesy

"I am struggling babe I just dont know anymore where i stand all i want to do is lay in bed and forget the world but i cant I need to help you with the kids and promos for little mix its not like we can go and see anyone because of the media and i dont want to let you or jade down i mean i cant quite believe jesy is going solo after all this time and I'm still getting hate just even from that" i cried into leigh chest

It did feel good to get all my thoughts out in the open to stop them from going round and round in my head because that's when I'm at my worst and especially with my anxiety .

"Babe its ok to feel like this you are so strong that you sometimes dont even realise it your the most amazing mum the kids love you and babe jesy was ready to go solo all you need to do if you get hate is let jade deal with them and the promos we will be fine the label understands we have kids and it is stressful just even to have the kids and they get it i love you so much words cant explain it do you need some paper? She asked"

Her words already make feel 100 x better she is right i just had a moment where i lost sight of what I had right in front of me and to be fair shes right jade is the queen of shooting down haters

I nodded to leigh about the paper she went and got me some

"Now babe what i want you to do is get the kids early to bed because you and me are going to have a date night that also means we can have some adult time however you need to stock up on condoms i dont think my body could handle another child and i dont think the record label could either"she laughed

"To be fair babe you do have a point but i hate wearing them it sucks" i moaned

She just laughed I went downstairs with her Ruben was crying i think he wanted feeding Haley was sleeping and Amelia was with Harvey cuddled up on the sofa hatchi was licking travis which is a first i had to put an instagram as they managed to stay just about still.

She just laughed I went downstairs with her Ruben was crying i think he wanted feeding Haley was sleeping and Amelia was with Harvey cuddled up on the sofa hatchi was licking travis which is a first i had to put an instagram as they managed to sta...

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Perrieedwards: managed to eventually get that brotherly love @leighannepinnock we are doing well fury babes

Leighannepinnock, jadethirlwall and 200,000 others like this


Leighannepinnock: to be fair it did take a while just to get them to love each other

Jadethirlwall: yay I'm glad they are loving each other

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