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I sat in perries lap after finished puking my guts up she kissed my forehead this almost feels like the scary part all over again getting my hopes up then they come crashing down it's taken a knock to mine and pezzas mental health.

"Ready?" pez questioned I nodded in reply

"3,2,1" l said we both looked down

A smile crept across my face "babe we are having a baby" pez exclaimed kissing me

I just nodded I am happy but don't want to get my hopes up.

"Leigh babe you ok" she asked

"Yeah just don't want to get my hopes up" I said sadly

We had some promos to do for little mix I'm so excited and the feeling of having another baby.

Jesy has been putting more photos up living the time of her life but not talking to us at the moment well she's talking to me and jade but freezing pez out

I think because of the whole argument when pez was struggling with her mental health didn't help.

I was cuddling a crying pez.

"What have I done to deserve Jesy freezing me out" she asked

"I don't know babe" I said sadly kissing her head

This was tough I've never seen her like this where she just seems so run down so mentally drained.

"Let me talk to her" I asked she nodded I love my girl and will do anything for her and with me being pregnant I don't want to get to stressed.

Jesy and Leigh conversation:

Jesminda: hey Leighly you ok hun?

Leighly: not really hun

Jesminda: what's up want to talk about it?

Leighly: well first off I'm pregnant

Jesminda: congratulations Leighly

Leighly: thanks but jes I need to ask you why you freezing pez out?

Jesminda: what do you mean?

Leighly: you keep freezing her out in group chat that's not fair jes she's done nothing wrong and she's getting hate from mixers saying for her to drop dead and for them to bring you back.

Jesminda: I didn't mean to freeze her out I was just so stressed with mixers and leaving writing a statement so scared what they think I didn't mean to leigh I'm sorry

Leighly: I'm not the one you should be apologising to we can't go through any more stress pez is so upset thinking it's all her fault with pez getting hate rumours going round with mixers thinking it's her fault.

Jesminda: I will sort it out leigh

Leighly: ok please do I can't cope with any stress.

Jesminda: love you leigh

Leighly: love you to Jesminda

End conversation:

Pezza you ok babe I had a chat with jes she didn't mean to she nodded

"Thanks babe" she kissed me

I felt so much love for my girl I cuddled up to her as she placed her hands on my stomach

"I can't believe we are having another child after so long of trying" she whispered in my ear

"Mummy" I heard a whine from amelias room

"Rock paper scissors" I asked

"No she asked for you" Perrie smirked

I shook my head as I went down stairs to her room.

"Sweetie you ok" I asked

"Where's Olaf?" She questioned

Oh for fuck sake Hatchi I muttered under my breath I looked round Hatchi had his gorilla toy.

"I will look for him" as I went upstairs pez looked at me

"What's up babe" she asked

"Olaf's gone missing" I said kissing her

"Have you tried a certain dog" she laughed

"He's not got it" I said exhausted

"Mummy I found him" Amelia shouted

She probably had him in bed and couldn't find him

My stomach was hurting please hope it's not what i think it is I couldn't go through it again.

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