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Ive been struggling a bit especially now I'm pregnant again perrie was outside with Amelia playing this what i love about my girl is how chilled she is so she managed to eventually build the trampoline took a lot of effort so i decided to do some in a shell designing it's weird doing the designs digitally but new experience for me i had kyro dribbling all over me which is nothing new not sure where the others which is strange hatchi has hopefully got the message.

Kelly: hey leigh Anne sorry its short notice we have to do some filming for the search tomorrow i hope child care wont be a problem.
Leigh Anne:  i thought the filming for the auditions were finished thats what Sam said
Kelly: we have a little more to finish off

Pezza did you get a text from Kelly i asked no babe what is it about i rolled my eyes she is so oblivious to work sometimes ok babe who's going to look after Amelia i asked smelly as per normal i nodded

We finished filming and pez had gone upstairs so i have no idea whats going on travis and Amelia were having a sleep so i was cooking dinner for my girls.

I was so tired from filming it was so hard we have the live shows coming up in about two months and dinner went a success as Amelia managed to eat all her tea which is the first time babe I'm going to take Amelia to bed and you can relax babe she said to me i decided to relax and watch some geordie shore as i know perrie hates it and i had 3 out of 4 dogs with me.

Leigh babe i heard she's probably broken something it wouldn't surprise me one bit oh my god babe

Instagram post:

Leighannepinnock: who knew my fiancé could be so romantic child in bed 2 dogs in bed and i love my @perrieedwards you are too cute

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Leighannepinnock: who knew my fiancé could be so romantic child in bed 2 dogs in bed and i love my @perrieedwards you are too cute.

Perrieedwards and 300,000 others like this.

Jadethirlwall who knew @perrieedwards could be so romantic
Perrieedwards: i can be romantic @jadethirlwall
Jesynelson: now now you two calm down and @leighannepinnock what film have you got to watch

Leighannepinnock: @jesynelson I believe @perriedwards is deciding that

Babe this is so cute i said she kissed me am i the best she laughed hmmmm not sure babe are you sure take that back she laughed ok fine i kissed her dont pout so what film are we watching I asked 50 shades she smirked really babe i questioned no I'm only joking no we are watching the note book she said aw babe thats my favourite film. I know babe thats why i picked it wait i know why you picked this film as i realised she wont be paying attention i thought wait is this an excuse to touch me up.

Guess what i was right she was doing it all movie i suppose i it's payback from beauty and the beast

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