Leigh Anne

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I moved Kyro out the way so I could let Jesy and Jade in Harvey and hatchi where chilling in their beds hey girls i smiled hugging both of them where's pez jesy dumped her things kyro was looking for attention while jade picked up Amelia moooo she whined trying to pull on jades top was that Amelias first word jesy laughed, yeah shes been doing it when shes hungry even though she has food but shes already eaten before you came and every time she gets picked up she mooos and pulls on the top sorry Jadey i laughed no worries leighly any way where's pez jesy asked again just here as my gorgeous fiancé appeared she makes me go weak at the knees whys Amelia trying to grope Jade? perrie laughed food i laughed and shook my head she sat down and I curled up into her resting my hand on her lap so as much as i love you girls but what do you want at this time on our day off with Amelia perrie said grumpy did you not finish then i whispered she looked at me i instantly knew in her eyes that she struggled to finish i made myself a promise to give her a lap dance.

Jesys phone went it was no caller ID she put the person on speaker:

RCA: hello girls is this little mix?
Jesy: yeah that's us its jesy speaking
I couldn't but help but laugh when jesy puts her posh voice and i snuggled into perrie.
RCA: we had a meeting with you girls a few days ago we would like to take you on
Jesy: seriously
RCA:  yes we would like you girls to come in tomorrow to go through the contract
Jesy: thank you very much we will see you tomorrow
RCA: perfect jesy see you and the girls at 9:00
*Phone call ended*
Oh my god it's happened we are going to be out of simons clutches we ran around hugging each other the dogs went mad we need to celebrate go out get wasted jesy said definitely need a girls night out i replied pez kissed me shall i ask Ellie to baby sit Amelia and these muppets perrie asked me yes go and get ready.

8:00 came round instagram post babe i nodded posing ready to go out waiting for the girls while Ellie was already round

Leighannepinnock: ready for celebrations with the girls @perrieedwards @jesynelson and lost our midget @jadethirlwall  don't worry mixers she is around x

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Leighannepinnock: ready for celebrations with the girls @perrieedwards @jesynelson and lost our midget @jadethirlwall  don't worry mixers she is around x

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I was grinding all over perries cock fuck babe she whispered in my ear I'm going to fuck you so hard I whimpered I turned and kissed her and Jesy and jade were grinding against two men absolutely hammered their hangover tomorrow I grabbed her bulge rubbing her jeans please babe fuck me I husked.

We ended up getting a taxi back with the taste of perries cum in my mouth texting Jesy and jade to say that we had left I wasn't that drunk pez was horny she always gets horny when she's drunk even more than normal.

Pez go upstairs she nodded and staggered up the stairs sorry Ellie first time in a long time how's Amelia been she's been grumpy not going to lie she laughed sorry babe I replied Ellie handed me Amelia moooooo she said pulling at my dress Ellie just laughed at me did you want to stay the night I mean you may get some dogs come in as we keep hatchi, Harvey and Kyro away from the room because off Amelia

I got upstairs and Perrie had starfish out on the bed while I had Amelia mooooo she whimpered pulling at my top ok baby I whispered Perrie cuddled into me while I had Amelia I can imagine pez having a hangover tomorrow considering she didn't drink much and then Jes and jade will be worse considering we have a important signing for the new contract away from the twat so will see I fell asleep with Amelia on my chest

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