Chapter 19

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Minho POV

"CHAN" I screamed. I hadn't seen Jisung in a day. I was bored and lonely. I missed him.

Chan came running into my room. "I need you to help produce a song with sungie" I stated. "UM, OF COURSE, BINNIE AND I NEEDED SOME HELP, LET ME GO GET HIM" Chan squealed. I laughed as he ran out of the door to Jisung house.

Jisung POV

I missed Minho. I just felt so sick though. I pulled out my phone.

Min I'm bored

My baby <3
Come over thennnnn

I feel sick :(

My baby <3
On my way

Ugh, I love you so much I got the best bf :(

My baby <3
I love you so much to baby

I heard a knock so I took my time to go downstairs. I opened the door and it was Chan. "Oh hey," I tried forcing a smile. "Minho told me you want help producing" excitement shot inside my whole body. "YES, can you help me" my voice going quieter. "Of course, I just wanted to tell you that is, Thursday a good date," He said with a big smile. "Why of course it is" I shot him a smile back.

Minho cute face appeared right behind Chan's shoulder. Chan moved out of the way so we can hug each other. "Thank you Chan" I smiled at him once more. "Of course anything for you," he said before shutting the door.

"Baby come lay down," he said. The sick feeling crashed over me again. I fell slightly in my seat because my legs gave out because I felt dizzy. Minho ran to the kitchen and grabbed some water. "Here drink this" he handed it to me. I sipped on the water.

"Min can you help me up the stairs," I said starting to get up. My legs almost instantly giving out on me. He ran right by my side and helped me up the stairs.

I got to the bathroom and grabbed my medicine. I swallowed it down with water and Minho helped me back into my room. "Do you need the hospital?" he said concerningly. "Can you go get Seungmin he's good at deciding" I laughed a little.

Seungmin and Minho came rushing into the room. "What's wrong" he ran quickly over to me. "I'm dizzy and my head hurts" I sighed. "Last time you drank water". I completely forgot about water oops. "3 days ago well since this one," I said shyly. "Minho can you go get this dumbass some more water" seungmin rolled his eyes.

I heard a sound downstairs. "Seungmin" a voice I have never heard before. "Who are you" that was Minho voice. Seungmin got up and ran downstairs. I got up and slowly made my way downstairs.

Once I got downstairs there was a man I had never seen before. "Hyunjin" Minho said getting close to his face. "Your the kid that beat the shit out of me" he laughed slightly. "Sorry man," The random dude said. "No worries I was a dick" minho chuckled.

"Babe" Seungmin sighed. "HUHHHHHH," I said turning my head. "he's my boyfriend" seungmin made it sound like he was stating the obvious. "Who is this man in our house" " my boyfriend" "I know that" I rolled my eyes.

I went to go walk over to Minho but my legs almost gave out. He picked me up and walked me up the stairs. He laid me down on my bed and gave me my water. He jumped right into bed next to me.

That night he spent the rest of it taking care of me making sure I was comfortable and safe.

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