Chapter 30

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Jisung Birthday

Okay, so since the last dinner, I made for Jisung I've gotten confident about my cooking skills. Mistake? could be.

Well, anyway I made him breakfast. Breakfast in bed to be exact. He's in his bed sleeping as of right now but I woke up early to make him breakfast.

I walked ever so carefully up the stairs to his room. "Fuck" a voice whispered.. it kind of sounds like Jisung. I walked into the room. He was asleep it looks like he was having a bad dream. I ran over and lightly shook him.

He was breathing heavy and there were tears in his eyes. "Hey, why what's wrong baby," I said hugging him. "I-i had a dream you got shot in front of me," he said hugging me. "Hey it's just a dream," I said kissing his lips "Look I'm here". He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I made breakfast for you baby," I said in his ear. "AW I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He yelled. I brought it over to him. "THANK YOU" he yelled once more."Your welcome" I giggled.

"Happy birthday baby I love you," I said pulling out a note. I didn't mention I wrote one but it was cheesy so I'd rather keep it to myself.

He just finished writing the note I gave him and he was in tears. "B-baby why are you so perfect" he sobbed. "God I love you so much," I said pulling him into a hug.


I was walking into Jisung room to go wish, my son, for his birthday. "H-" I didnt even bother to finish. I closed the door. A small smile grew on my face. Minho was hugging Jisung and his face was buried into his neck. I saw breakfast. Minho was perfect for Jisung. When Jisung would call me, id never sees him talk so fast or be so energetic. I was so happy for him.

Time skip to 5:30
Minho POV

Jisung and I were both getting ready to go out to eat. We all took the day easy but everyone left early with an excuse. They are all at the house it's just me and Jisung here.

 They are all at the house it's just me and Jisung here

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^jisung outfit

^jisung outfit

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^minho outfit


I walked out of the bathroom. We both wanted to surprise each other with what we were wearing,

I walked out and my mouth dropped. He looked so cute, he looked adorable. I just wanted to squish his cheeks. I wanted to kiss his face forever.

Jisung POV

Oh my fucking god. This man isn't real he can't be. There is no way he can be real. ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO LOOK THAT FUCKING HOT. THAT BEAUTIFUL THAT PERFECT OH MY GOD.

Minho POV

I looked down at Jisung and chuckled. "You look, adorable babe," I said hugging him. "And you look oh- my I can't even express how good you look right now," Jisung said slapping his mouth over his face. "Thank you" I giggled.


"Where are we going," Jisung said. "The house," I said smiling. "The house is-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. He nodded and slumped down in his chair. I reached for his hand and put it on the center console. I interviewed our fingers together and Jisung flashed me a big bright smile.

We were almost at the house. Jisung was straight-up confused. "Babe where are we," he said starring at the house. "Our house," I said smiling at him. "W-wait" he stuttered. "You bought us a house," he said crying. "Happy Birthday baby," I said kissing his lips. "I don't know how to repa" "No baby no need this is our place, okay, you're repaying me by staying with me," I said smiling.

"I hate you" he sniffled. "I love you too" I laughed.

I unlocked the door and went inside.




"SURPISEEE" everyone yelled scaring Jisung. "OH MY GOD," he said another tear threatening to fall. "Happy birthday," everyone said coming up to hug him.

We walked our way to the kitchen. Jisung was looking around. "Wow this place is truly beautiful," he said. "I'm glad you like it, we can buy whatever we want, my mom left me a good amount of money" I smiled. "Thank you so much minho," he said wrapping his arms around me. "Of course anything for my baby" I smiled kissing his head.

30 minutes later

We had just finished eating the cake and now we were opening his presents. We were almost finished his mom was the last present to open. He started unwrapping the present. His mouth dropped open. "MOM" he yelled.

"What, Ji I'm just trying to help" I looked over to the side and it was a box but what was inside it was handcuffs. "Wow," I whispered. His mom looked at me and winked. I grabbed them out of his hands "These will be nice" I smiled.

"But what about what the doctor said mom" Jisung sighed. "Well, I say f that, I understand you can get hurt but you need to live the rest of your life and I want you to experience that" when she said "that" she pointed to the box. "Thanks, mom," he said quietly and scraped the back of his head. Everyone else was dying of laughter.

"Let's go play some games," Changbin said. "YES LETS GO" Hyunjin screamed. We all ran over to the games.

The rest of the night was fun. We were a little loud but hey at least we were having fun.

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