Chapter 1

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In this story, you will have your typical bad boy. His name is Lee Minho, he's the person to drink, smoke, and mess around in bed with a lot of different people. Behind all of that was just a broken boy that needed love and care.

But what happens when a boy like Han Jisung comes into his life. An A+ student, sober and has never drunk or smoked, and very nice. Jisung looked to be the school emo at his old school with his blue hair and always wearing black. People usually mistake his personality and things like his grades. It's his first year going to this new school.

Minho POV

"Can you buy me another pack" I groaned throwing the empty pack of cigarettes on the table. My older brother chan looked up from his phone. "No," he said. I huffed and walked towards the door to get my shoes on. I could hear my mom come down the stairs. I could see tear stains on her face that were dried from previous nights.

"Mark baby have a good day" she weakly smiled while kissing my head. "I will" I whispered heading out the door. Surprisingly she came down I haven't seen her face in around 2 months.

My best friend changbin walked up next to me as I left my house. We both live next to each other since we were little. "I got you a pack" He smiled handing it over to me. "Thanks," I said while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

As we were walking we both came upon what looks to be the new kid. "Ew, why do his cheeks look like that" changbin laughed. "I don't know he's kinda ugly looking" I let out a laugh.


Jisung POV

I looked in the mirror my freshly dyed blue hair slightly messy. "JISUNG" My roommate Jeongin yelled. "WHAT DO YOU WANT" I yelled back at him. "COME DOWN HERE" I ran down the stairs and I saw jeongin had made a full meal. "Since Seungmin left early he taught me how to make pancak-" "Yeah no I'm good Seungmin teaching you how to make pancakes " I laughed.

Jeongin and I finished up a bowl of fruit and headed out to our school. Anxiety slowly crept up as I saw the building. I looked at my phone as it started to buzz.


Jisung: Yes mom

Y/N: Did you get to school okay

Jisung: I'm almost there

Y/N: How are you liking Sydney

Jisung: It's fun jeongin and seungmin are a big help as always

Y/N: Medince?

Jisung: Took it


Y/N: Okay well-baby stay safe

Jisung: I will mom bye I love you

Y/N: Love you too

"Okay, what I've heard stay away from Lee Minho," A man said running up behind us. Jeongin and I both scream and we look behind us. "SEUNGMIN" Jeongin screamed. "Oops sorry" he giggled. "Now about this lee minho dude stay away from him I heard he's no good and only wants hookups," Seungmin said. I nodded my head as we walked into school.

"Ew, whos the freak," A kid said out loud behind us. I sighed as I knew he was talking about me. "MINHO" I heard a yell. This person was walking toward the kid who called me a freak. "What do you want Chan" the boy sighed. "Minho how many times" the kid supposedly named Chan was cut off by Minho turning his back.

Guess that's the alleged Lee minho


Another new book yes :)

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