Chapter 2

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Jisung POV

I mean the days alright. Everyone's kind of mean making fun of me because I look "emo". I've tried being super sweet but I don't think anyone would care. Lee Minho is kind of a jackass. He called me names but it could be worse right.

Minho POV

"Opinions on new kid," Changbin said slapping my arm. "He has a nice mouth" I let out a smirk. "Another one of your hoes you think" Changbin let out a sly laugh. "Could be". We walked outside and I lit a cigarette. "Chan's not going to be home you got drinks" I looked down at Changbin. "Yep, text me when your ready" I nodded and walked away.

Jisung POV

When I said the day could be worse. Well, it just got a lot worse. I ended up on the ground and now I think I broke my finger so I'm crying.

15 minutes ago

I was putting my books away in my locker as I heard a loud yell coming from behind me. "MINA LEAVE ME ALONE" the deep voice getting louder. I heard loud stomps coming behind me.  Next thing I'm on the floor because the person had hit me. "Ah, shit" The deep voice man groaned.

He got up off of me. Throbbing pain in my finger shot through my whole hand. "I'm so sorry," He said once he saw his finger. "I'll take you to the hospital" He smiled grabbing my hand. "Can jeongin and seungmin come with" I sobbed. He nodded and I saw both of them. I pointed with my other hand that didn't have the broken finger. He ran over and grabbed them and we headed to the hospital.

Minho POV

As one of my hoes finishes we both collapse to the bed. "Fuck" she panted. I just laid there. I never finish, I wasn't attracted to girl. They thought I enjoyed fucking them. Nah I just need distractions. "That was a great babe," the girls said trying to kiss me. I backed away "get out" and she started bitching and groaning. "GET OUT" I screamed and she left.

I never wanted to tell people I was gay. I didn't want to be made fun of. Changbin was the whole reason I found out I was gay. Man topped me once, and so then from there on, I wasn't interested in girls anymore. Changbin and chan are the only people who knew this.

"Mark" I heard my mom call out. I sighed.

I heard a knock on the door so I ran downstairs. It was Changbin. He had exactly what I needed at the moment. Alcohol. "Thanks, bin" I sighed as both of us head up to my room.

The conversation is small no one talks. I liked it that way, I hope changbin did too. Sometimes I feel bad he's stuck with a fucked up asshole like me. I put down my drink and went over to changbin. "Sorry for being a fucked up piece of shit" I sighed while slowly going into a hug. "You are not a piece of shit shut up knucklehead," He said pulling me into a deeper hug. "I wish I could be sober but it's too much pain, I miss mark" A tear slipped past my eye. "I know you do min, it's okay to show your emotions" he was playing with my hair and I let go of everything.

He patted my back while still playing with my hair. He picked me up and laid me in my bed. Changbin sliding in right next to me. "Come here" He opened his arms and I scooted into them. As soon as I relaxed I fell asleep.

Jisung POV

A fucking hospital trip ALREADY. I've been trying to avoid this piece of the shit place. I just had to get an x-ray my finger was broken. The man with a deep voice offered to pay my bill. I kept saying no but then he kept begging so I eventually gave in. "My name is Felix by the way, we got off on the wrong hand or should I say finger" he burst out laughing. I just starred at him and he stopped laughing thankfully. "Anyways sorry again," I told him it was fine.

Who knew on the first day of school I would've broken my finger and meant a dude with this hot of a voice. Did I mention that no, but now I am? He had a hot voice leave me alone.

I was finally discharged and I headed home and ended up falling asleep right away.

Next chapter will have mentions of sexual assault please skip if triggered and a BIG ass rant- so sorry

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