Chapter 11

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This chapter contains a Su1c1d3 @tt3mpt please please skip if triggers.

Minho POV

My mom was on the floor. Blood pooling by the second.

Jisung POV

Chan was the first to run to her, us all following behind. "Changbin calls 9-11, Minho chan can you handle staying here while I get a cloth to help," I said. "Can I go get the cloth" Minho voice shaky I nodded.

I stayed back with chan. Blood over both of us. I took off my shirt, I didn't care about the big scar on my stomach. I wrapped it around her tightly to help stop the bleeding a little bit.

(a/n I saw this on a show so Idk if it works in real life)

Minho and Changbin both came back at the same time. Minho had a big towel. I wrapped her arm in the towel.

5-10 minutes later

The ambulance finally arrived, Minho was freaking out. Chan was holding his emotions under control. I stayed by Minho.

They took the unconscious body of Minho's mom in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, Chan rode with her. Changbin drove us while I sat in the back trying my best to comfort Minho.

His whole body was shaking, tears streaming down his face. He was laying in my lap while I stroked his head. Things like "is she going to make it" and "she seemed to be better" were falling out of his mouth.

4 hours later

Once we arrived Minho took his sweatshirt and gave it to me. "W-what's that scar from" his sons messing up his words. "Don't worry right now okay, I'll tell you later" I patted his head. We both sat down on chairs. He rested his head on my legs.

"Minho and Chan" the doctors called out.

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