Chapter 10

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Jisung POV

Minho just came out of the shower. Even with bleached hair, he looks hot. He can pull off anything and everything. I came over to him with a towel still covering his lower areas. "Did you know I use to be part of the big tiddie gang in high school, this kid Matthew ran it" I started nervously laughing. "I can see why" slipped out of my mouth. I slapped my mouth and he started dying laughing. "Your too cute" He laughed ruffling my hair.

"Let me finish" I whined because he was being stubborn. "Fine" he sighed and sat down on the bathroom toilet. I squirted some of the hair dye onto my hands and started rubbing it through his hair. I could see his shoulders relax. I smiled to myself.

I thought he was going to be this big bad guy. Nope, he just needs some love that's all. When I hugged him earlier I didn't smell cigarettes on him. When I meant him I could smell a hint of it.

I heard a knock on the door. "I got that" he smiled. I stepped back so he could stand up. He opened the door and chan was there. "Oh um sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you jisung" his voice hinted with excitement. I nodded and took off my gloves and walked out with Chan into what I think was his room but I'm not sure.

I saw changbin laying in Chan's bed sleeping. "Don't mind him, but yesterday I saw minho throw away all of his cigarettes, lighters, and alcohol. I know all of his hiding spots and it's all gone. What the fuck happened" still the hint of excitement in his voice. I smiled as big as possible, this news was huge. "I told him that if he stopped smoking or tried his hardest, that's how he would pay me for helping your guys mom" I saw chan smile.

By that time Changbin was awake. "Thank you," Chan said running into a hug. "Now you mister, don't bring him SHIT no matter how hard he tries to get it from you" Chan pointed at Changbin. "Yes sir," Changbin said firmly. "You can go back I think he is going to start trying to dye his hair by himself" with that I ran back to the bathroom.

He was sitting there looking like his thoughts took over him. When he saw me he looked to snap out of it. I put my gloves right back on and started again with his hair.

45 minutes later

We were finished with his hair. "Wow you look really good" and he did I'm not lying. We were sitting on the wooden floor looking at the mirror. "Damn sungie you did so well oh my god," he said while ruffling his hair around.

 "Damn sungie you did so well oh my god," he said while ruffling his hair around

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(in case some people don't know what I'm talking abt^)

"I love it I do" his smile growing. "CHAN" he yelled at the top of his lungs.  Chan came running in with Changbin behind. "Wow, you look, good bro," Chan said hitting his chest. "Right". "Damn Jisung you did a great job, I wanted to ask you this also can I call you Ji" "Thanks chan, and yeah sure".

We all heard a loud crash in Minho's mom's room. We all ran in as fast as we could into her room. When we walked into a room there was a horrible sight.

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