Chapter 15

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Minho pov

"C-cancer" I was stumbling with my words. This was a lot to take in. "Are you going to be okay" that's all I cared about.

"Min, I'm terminal"

The words I ever wanted to hear. I didn't want to hear that. Never in 100000 years. "Y-your what" I let a tear fall down my house.

"I quit chemo because there's no point, I mean I'm going to die anyway. When I went to the doctors 4 months ago they said I have about a year and a half left. I moved from Korea to Australia because I wanted to see where my dad stayed before he died" I only had around a year left with the boy I'm in love with.

"Y-you can leave me I don't want you getting hurt" that when he started crying. "Sung, your crazy id never leave you, I will stay with you till it's your time okay" I patted his cheek. I wanted to stay strong for him to know that he won't go through it alone. "do you have anything you want to do" his head rose and he looked at me. "I have a whole bucket list" he laughed. "Let's see it" I smile.

We both run back to his house. He finds his bucket list. Before he opens it he starts to talk. "That's why I have a lot of medications" he opened his closet and there was a good amount of pill bottles. "It's also the reason for the pictures in the hospital, Jeongin and Seungmin have been my friends since I was a baby. They didn't want to leave me when I moved" his smile grew.

Once he finished he opened up the letter. There were probably 15 things.

1. Own a dog
2. Fall in love
3. See Australia
4. Dye my hair 5 times
5. Go to prom
6. Produce a song
7. Sing this song in front of people
8. Buy my own house
9. Figure out if I'm Gay or Bisexual
10. Graduate
11. Turn 18
12. Find happiness and peace
13. Lose my virginity (if anyone finds this it sounds fun LEAVE ME ALONE)
14. Get married if that's even possible

"I can promise you I will help you accomplish every single one of these," I said rubbing his thigh. "Well, I can cross off three of them" He picked up a pencil. He scratched off fall in love, see Australia, and figure out if I'm gay or bisexual. "So you figured it out are you gay or bi," I said smirking. "Gay" he laughs. "Hm I think I might be straight" I was lying. "Stop lying," he said.

"Also you know Chan and changbin are producers I bet they would help you with stuff like that" I smiled reviving a big one from him.  "Can they help me" he squealed. "Yes of course" he jumped into my arms.

"About number 13, if you want it to happen, when your ready let me know" I smiled. "Oh um yeah" his cheeks got bright pink.

I saw guilt on his face form. "Hey what's the face for" his head shot up. "Sorry for sex depriving you" he giggled a little. "I'd rather cuddle with you than act like I'm having good sex, you saved me from that thanks," I said scratching my nape.

If we were being honest all I wanted was someone to stick with and love. I hated having hookups I just needed to be distracted. It's confusing. I just wanted a cuddle buddy and a lover but I got so much more I got Jisung. I smiled to myself. My goal for the next year is to make the love of my life the happiest person alive and achieve everything on his list.

Bucket List// L.M + H.JWhere stories live. Discover now