Chapter 24

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Everyone head shot towards Minho. "YOU ASKED HIM TO MARRY YOU" Chan and Changbin screamed. He nodded his head proudly with a big smile. "Why so early," Changbin said looking up at him.

"That's the real reason I called y'all over" Minho head shot towards mine. I took one big breath before speaking. "I have cancer, and I only really have 4 months to live" a sad voice leaving my mouth.

To be honest, I wasn't sad about dying, I was sad that I had to leave Minho all alone. We both are very much in love, and it makes me sad that I'll have to leave him.

"Y-your what" Chan's voice stuttered. "It's okay to be sad, but we just need to make the most out of this, 4 months isn't far but it's not close either. Minho has made my life so much better just in the past couple of months. So I hope y'all will not be sad now and we just all enjoy each other" I smiled.

"Anything for you Ji, we will try not to be sad but to enjoy and be happy we still have time with you," Felix said with a sad voice.

I held out my hand to grab Minho hand. "We have to stay strong" Minho smiled. "For jisung," Hyunjin said. "For jisung" everyone else replied.

I didn't mean to but I started crying. "Hey what's wrong," Minho said holding me as my tears wet his shirt.

"I- I don't deserve you g-guys. I couldn't a-ask for better p-people to spend my f-final months with" I cried. "We will make this the best 4 months of your life okay Ji" Jeongin voice was heard behind me.

I felt 6 more pairs of arms hug me. I didn't even know Hyunjin but here he is being supportive and just so sweet. Then I have my other friends that are the same way. Then I have Minho, the reason this whole thing hasn't been as nerve-racking or scary as I thought it would be.

"T-thank you guys". As soon as I said that the hug for tighter.

"Let's go watch a movie," I said a few minutes later. "I'll get the popcorn," Seungmin said jumping up. "I'm coming with," Hyunjin said.

Once they came back we just sat down and binge-watched movies for the rest of the night. That one room was filled with so much laughter for the rest of the night.

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