Chapter 14

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Jisung POV

We just got back from the bowling alley. I was tired and so was Minho so we went to his house and bed. We were just laying there. Minho looked nervous about something.

"Sung can I tell you something" his face looking more nervous. "Yeah of course". "It's about how my brother died, I didn't want to tell you because I'm scared you would hate me" A tear threatening to fall down his face was forming in his eyes. "Go ahead tell me" his face softened.

"When I was 16 so around 1-2 years ago I was playing outside I use to be a soccer player. I was kicking the ball around and my mom and brother were watching me. Chan was out somewhere. I kicked the ball into my neighbor's fence by accident across the road. Mark went to get it and when he was coming back I started joking around and he stopped in the middle of the road. We didn't see the semi coming and it didn't have time to stop. It ended up hitting him. My mom saw it and so did I. Once he was pronounced dead my mom screamed at me for hours and hours. It seemed like it was never-ending. She told me how much she hated me, how much it was all my fault she lost Mark" he was choking on his tears.

"A-and I hated myself so much, I distracted myself with all these bad the-" I cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips. "Calm down, Min that wasn't your fault, none of this was your fault," I said rubbing his back.

A couple of hours later

He had finally just calmed down. I decided it was time to tell him the things I've been hiding from a lot of people. Only Jeongin and Seungmin knew.

"Can I tell you something" I whispered. It took all my courage in my body to even get those 5 words out of my mouth. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you but it's better to tell you now than later" I didn't dare to cry. All the tears that needed to fall already have.

"Before you do, I just want to tell you I love you so fucking much Han Jisung" His words made me cry. "I love you too" minho tearing up.

"Now tell me" his words soft. That's what scared me. He was going to hate me but I knew he has already gone through so much.

Minho POV

I could tell Jisung was having trouble saying what he wanted to say. That made me scared. It couldn't be that bad right?.

"I have cancer"

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