Chapter 27

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A couple of days later

Minho POV

We were both picking something out for our wedding. Something fancy but casual. We were also looking for something for Prom and Graduation since it's coming up soon.

His mom was coming down soon and I was pretty nervous. "Does your mom know you engaged to me" I whispered to him. "Yeah," he giggled.

His birthday was tomorrow and I wanted to make it fun, and I had plenty of ideas. I just wasn't sure which one to do.

Jeongin is thinking about later like 11:50 we just start a small party because Felix is the next day. I was thinking that's a good idea, but not crazy just like some music going and games.

"Oo I like this from prom and graduation," he said holding out a tux. "That'll look great on you" He smiled at my comment. It was a simple black tux. "Let's be matching," He said. I was hoping he'd say that to be honest. "Yes let's do it" I smiled.

"What do you want to wear to the wedding," I said looking at him. "Let's just wear this tux to everything, it's nice and this one tux will have a lot of good memories on it," he said smiling.

I pinched his cheeks. "Did I ever tell you I love your cheeks?" I said. "Which ones," He said with a smirk. "Your face cheeks dum dum," I said laughing. "Okay wasn't sure you always say you like both of my cheeks," he said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

We went home, Jisung was over at his place. I was able to sneak out while he was sleeping. See when my mom passed she had money left for us, for things like a house or car for me because everything else was left for Chan.

So I might've bought a small house for Jisung and me. It was nice and was right on the beach. Not too far from Sydney either.

That's what I was doing right now to go sign the contracts. I haven't decided yet to surprise him tomorrow for his birthday or when we get married. I think I'm leaning more toward when we get married so I can set up the house.

Jisung was going over to help Chan and changbin with recordings in 2 days, then our wedding is in 4 so I figured I'll have Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin help me get the house together.

"Shit" I whispered. I grabbed out my phone and called Seungmin.

Sm: What do you want

M: You can keep something from Jisung

Sm: I swear to god if you cheated

M: hey dumbass I would never do that, I was gonna ask if you can help me set up this house I bought


M: Shhh is he awake

Sm: No

M: Okay well yes I did, I wanted us to live together for a couple of months

Sm: *sniffle*

M: Are you crying

Sm: You've been treating him so well, he deserves this Min I know I don't like showing affection but thank you so much

M: Anything for him, he's helped me a lot too I just want him to be happy

Sm: I'm not ready to lose him yet *sniffle*

M: neither am

Sm: Even if it was 2 months

M: I've got to go before I start crying, later if you want to we can talk about what's on our minds. But I've got to go sign the paper

Sm: Okay bye

M: Bye

*call ended*

I just sat down with my real estate agent.

15 mins later

I just signed off on the houses. I now own a house that was in my name. A house for just me and Jisung.

I have two more stops to go to, Ikea and The house

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